Shuri: Black Panther II

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Shuri: Black Panther II

Faneditor: tremault  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:7m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:34m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Genre: ActionAdventureSuperheroes
Original Title: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2022
Original Runtime: 2h:41m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: Yes


A story about Princess Shuri and her struggle to deal with the loss of family. The theatrical release fell over itself to tell multiple stories about multiple characters, this edit reduces the focus on other characters and remains fixed on Shuri and Namor.


Remove subplots concerning Okoye, Everett Ross and others. Reduce the 'franchise building' such as various bits intended to promote Riri Wiliams AKA Ironheart. Restructure some bits to aid pacing and context and reduce bloat.

Change List:

* Cut the first half of the funeral scene, and also brought the drums in to the quieter bits to keep the momentum. * Added T'Challa's UN speech audio over the marvel logo. * Removed Mining ship attack for later. * Removed Ramonda UN speech and mercenary attack on outreach centre. * Kept T-challa's speech running into the Wakanda intro to juxtapose against Ramonda's isolationism. * Inserted Mining Ship incident After Lab, heavily edited to give pace. * Removed Ross' line about execution because it sets up Ross' story that I've mostly removed. * Removed the flying komoyo bead attaching to the fed vehicle, that detail was not obvious and I'm drastically shortening this chase scene. * Shortened chase scene, as it's main reason seemed to be to build up Riri. * Removed Riri doing the same kind of thing Tony did in Ironman, removed the Drone as much as I could. * I also sped up the ridiculously slow motion water explosion. * Removed references to Ross' relationship with the woman. * Removed Ramonda stripping Okoye of her rank. It felt overbearing and built up tension rather than empathy. * Cut personal moments between Ross and woman in the car, leaving only necessary exposition. * Removed Ramonda's visit to Haiti (part of it to be reintroduced later). * Removed Nakia's investigative mission to retain focus on main characters. * Removed Nakia preparing to infiltrate and inserted Ramonda going to Haiti and appearing before Nakia. * Removed Ross at the headquarters. * Cut conversation with Aneka. * Removed Okoye and Nakia chatting at the market. * Removed much of Okoye and Nakia being rescue heroes during attack on Wakanda. * Removed Ramonda and Riri coordinating the rescue. * Removed cutaways from Ramonda's final struggle, we need to focus on this. * Removed scene at Ross' house, and the small scene before it that served little purpose. * Removed Okoye recruiting Aneka. * Removed the heart shaped herb ritual to shift the impact of her decision to when she appears before M'Baku. * Reintroduced portions of the heart shaped herb ritual to add weight to Nakia's warning. * Various cuts to battle to reduce emphasis on Riri. * Removed various portions of battle to keep focus on Shuri. * Kept the Midnight Angel portions to the minimum necessary. * Heavily edited end of battle to remain hyper focused on Shuri vs Namor. * Completely restructured The montages as Shuri stands over Namor. They made little sense to me, but now contain narrative structure. * Removed Namor back in Talokan for end credits. * Removed midnight angel rescuing Ross. * Maintained Moment of silence for Chadwick Boseman at the end by removing some music. * Added the introduction of T'Challa jr. straight after this scene, before any end credits. * Edited credits sequence. * Put Namor's final scene back in as the midcredits. * Added special thanks into credits scroll.

Additional Notes:

Marvel has a propensity to create messy edits, chopping and changing between different events and characters. some edits were particularly tricky to work with.

Special Thanks:

futon88, DigModiFicaTion, Dwight Fry, Nic Editzilla, addiesin, Gieferg, Bobson Dugnutt, ArtisDead.

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