This turns the episodes 8-14 of the TV show PRISON BREAK into a 2h movie experience. Will the escape really be successful? How many more of the most dangerous criminals will Michael have to let in the team?
To continue the great thrill ride of Prison Break Episode 1 with a worthy sequel that lead into the grand finale. I had to take the score out of several scenes and to zoom into a lot of images when the credits were displayed for it to work as a movie.
Change List:
The Changes: - the conspiracy plot is gone. completely. vanished. non existing. This also means there could be no execution of Lincoln to be prevented by his father. In order to achieve that all references about timing and when the execution is really happening are changed or gone. This gives us plenty of time for the final escape.him from interacting, which worked really well. It now seems as if everything was planned the way it went. - Abruzzi under pressure from the family is again gone. This time he was forced to step down and lose P.I. for being unable to retrieve the information about Febonacci from Scofield. In the end these problems are solved by getting rid of the mob boss, but none of that happens in the movie as it was just long and did not result in any big changes. - no investigation by Bellick. In these episodes Bellick is quite keen on finding out stuff about Scofield. However, it is not good enough nor necessary for the movie. - no LJ Burrows. As int he first movie: Lincoln does not have a son, or if he does, he is never mentioned. - no drama with Sarah: finally Prison Break went soap opera. The drama between the jealous Sarah Tankredi and Michael Scofield was really annoying and had to go. - no photo of Bob. Bob, the murdered guard, left a photo of his daughter, which I forgot to include inthe first movie. Sicne it was nto there, it could not be referred to in the 2nd movie, so I had to work around it to let the setup happen. - no Lincoln alone in his cell. Since the execution was so close, these epsiodes quite spend a lot of time with Lincoln worrying about his son and about his life. Since there is no execution these scenes became redundant. - no sex scene between the guard and the secretary in the storage room. The scene was rather useless. - a few dropped Tweener scenes, because he is not that important in the 2nd movie. - a lot less discussion about Michael Scofield’s wife. He married her so she could get a green card and he could get a credit card. How nice of him. That’s it. - Mary Cruz is gone again. Sucre had enough reason to break out before the scenes in these episodes. - lots of other minor changes and re-arrangements to let more things happen on less days. - the Tweener rat scenes were saved for Episode 3.
Additional Notes:
“Break in – break out – save your brother’s life.” Season One of Prison Break was a huge success as a TV show, most of all because of the very thrilling and unique way it was told. The show constantly switches between the inside of a maximum security prison, where Michael Scofield tries to break out his brother using incredible wits and a fantastic plan, and the outside world, in which a huge conspiracy about the murdering of the vice president’s brother is revealed. The fanedit contains the episodes 8 – 14 and tells the story from inside the prison as if it was a movie. To create this not just as a condensed and way too compressed version, the entire conspiracy theme was dropped. I took extra care to find out, what is unnecessary for the flow and what is needed, so the movie can be continued with episode 3 at some day. The mass of changes makes this a rather different watching experience, especially because the episodic feel of the show is gone and many side plots are told differently. This also means, you cannot switch between the movies and the original show. The timing of the movie is quite different. The TV show switches between inside and outside the prison all the time, which means that there can easily be a lot of jumps between days. In the movie this would have felt choppy, so I tried to add more plot to each day, combine scenes that were actually happening on different days. The result is a much more on the escape focused plot. I also cut a lot of delay features, which were necessary for the episodes, but would have just increased the length of the movie. I would have loved to get rid of a lot more things, but had to consider the last 8 episodes and all the people involved in the escape. An example for that is the watch snatching scene, which would have been dropped if it wasn’t for Tweener’s involvement. On a further note I should tell that the scenes I cut are not at all bad. The show is fantastic and a lot of good stuff ended on the cutting room floor for pacing reasons.
Special Thanks:
AvP, Winnie, Nono, Mollo, ThrowgnCpr.