Insomnia [Memento Mori Edition]

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Insomnia [Memento Mori Edition]

Faneditor: Stankpac  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2010
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:1m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:3m:0s
Genre: Thriller
Original Title: Insomnia (2002)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2002
Original Runtime: 1h:58m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


This is a fan-edit of Christopher Nolan’s “Insomnia” told in reverse chronological order like his previous film “Memento”. It is meant to be more of a companion disc like the “Memento” 2-disc limited edition, where in this case the original film is the first disc told in chronological order and the second disc is to have this special version of the film told in reverse. Now just slap on the new disc art, put it in a double dvd case and you have yourself an “Insomnia” 2-disc limited edition.


The intention for any fan-edit that I am currently working on is quite simply to follow the simple moto “Less is more”. If it does not fit or disrupts the flow of the movie and you can edit it out without ruining story and continuity, then it has got to go. No questions asked!

Change List:

- Cut: After the title credits, removed the frames of Dormer cleaning the blood from his cuff. Not needed because now it opens up with the end of the movie moving in reverse. I cleaned up the sequence up the best I could, considering it is not suppose to go backwards. - Add: Now all the chronological sequences have been re-colored in black & white and the reverse chronological sequences are in color. When going from color to black & white it will fade in and then fade out, kinda like an “eye blink”. Very similar in style like the movie Memento! - Add: Anytime in the black & white sequences that Dormer has a vision, I have left those in color. The reasoning behind that is that those are the only things Dormer has a clear frame of mind on. - Cut: Removed a few frames of Al Pacino’s stunt double looking at the camera during the log chase, after he has fallen into the water. - Cut: Removed the last few frames right before he attends Kay’s memorium. Now movie ends with what looks like a somewhat cool looking shot of Dormer sitting at the edge of the bed contemplating. That Dormer not sleeping is going to catch up with him.

Additional Notes:

I took the idea of Christopher Nolan’s film “Memento”, where instead of telling the story in the more traditional linear way, he told it in a reverse chronological order to let the audience figure it out along with the main character. I figured the same concept would work great with “Insomnia”. I must say I think it does. As far as the minor discrepency in runtime, I had to add in the lead in scenes from all the “reverse chronological order” sequences (color) in order for the audience to know what sequence goes next. That adds minutes to the overall runtime, so theoretically that is the only thing added to make this edit work properly.

Special Thanks:

The Thief and the Cobbler : Tsasakos Cut
Terminator 2: Dehanced Edition
The Lost Boys - Extended Edition
The Thing from 1951
Kombat Bloody Kombat
Star Wars: The House of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - Extended Blue Rose Cut
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Red Apple Assembled Cut
Chicken Little and the War of the Worlds