Blade Runner: Tears in the Rain

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Blade Runner: Tears in the Rain

Faneditor: Ranger613  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2014
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:15m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:45m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Blade Runner
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaDetectiveFilm-NoirSci-FiThriller
Original Title: Blade Runner (1982)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1982
Original Runtime: 2h:0m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


"Tears in the Rain" a vastly different version of the film which serves as an Alternate look at Ridley Scott's masterpiece, not an extension of the original. It focuses more on the Replicants and their quest to meet their maker. Rick Deckard is presented as a competent determined hunter and killer (unlike the relatively insecure counterpart in the original), in many ways an antagonist-- this is a world where Replicants are outlawed and killed on identification. They attack only when cornered, but mean no harm to humans. Not unless they can help it... This film is presented in high contrast black and white to accentuate the noir feel of the original. Trimmed down and fast paced, I hope this edit will intrigue, excite and entice fans of the original and new viewers alike.


Blade Runner is one of (if not) my favorite films. I created this edit to give myself and other fans a new way of experiencing the material. This is not an improvement over the original, nor a slightly different version like the "Director's" or "Workprint" edition to the "Final Cut". I wanted a reorganized, unique and novel way of watching this classic, and with this edit I think I have achieved that. I also wanted to see how the film would look in black and white, and feel the noir atmosphere really comes across well in black and white. I provided a sample clip below.

Change List:

1. Entire film in high-contrast B&W--contrast slightly increased for blown out scenes and reduced for underexposed shots. 2. Rutger Hauer's credit before Harrison Ford. Film retitled "Tears in the Rain". Opening credit theme replaced with "Memories of Green" from soundtrack. Other titles cut except for Ridley Scott. Opening scrawl replaced with the "Replicant" definition from the Workprint cut. 3. Film cuts from Hades landscape (before the Leon-Holden interview) to Pris' meeting with JF Sebastian (with inserts of L.A. skyscape, so that Pris is seen looking up at the "New Life" blimp. The Hades eye is also implied to be Pris' here, not Holden's). This gives the replicants a more sympathetic intro in the film, instead of ruthless killers. Menacing music at their meeting replaced with "Blade Runner Blues" 4. Chew-Leon-Batty scene moved up to this point. Lines concerning JF Sebastian are cut as they have found him by now. Scene ends with Batty saying "Where do we find this... father?" (implying Tyrell) 5. Leon-Holden scene moved down to this point, as at this point the replicants have presumably gained info about how to access Tyrell Corp. for Chew. 6. Deckard's original intro, noodle store scene, trip to police station, all cut. Deckard introduced driving to work listening to tape of Holden, followed by briefing scene with Bryant. VK on Rachel at Tyrell corp truncated to just the test and the post-test conversation with Tyrell. 4. Rachel's VK followed by Pris' scene with JF (raccoon airbrush scene) up to just before Batty shows up. 5. Deckard shown finding scale, followed by phone booth sequence of Batty-Leon. 6. Scene of Rachel in Rick's apartment cut, as well of him on the balcony. 7. Unicorn dream and Esper photo detection scenes cut. 8. Scale identification scene truncated as well as snake merchant. 9. ZHora strangling Rick cut. 10. After Zhora shot, Deckard's phone call to Rachel inserted, recut to appear as if Deckard calls Rachel out of loneliness, and then when she hangs up, he starts dialling again (it is implied this is Bryant he's calling, as the next scene is of Bryant arriving at the crime scene). 11. Bryant's lines about Rachel are cut. Deckard and Rachel's scenes in his apartment after Leon's shooting cut. 12. Deckard calling Pris at JF's apartment cut. Bryant's V.O. about JF is played as Rick drives. In this version he goes straight to the Bradbury apartment. It is implied from his actions in this version that he is in fact on top of his game and more menacing, unlike in the original, where he is an "ex-cop". 13. Ending with Rachel cut. Film now ends on the roof. Final shot is of Batty dead on roof and Rick staring at him. 13. BR theme replaced with "Tears in the Rain" and "Rachel's Song" 14. "Fanedit" and "Special thanks" cards inserted at end.

Additional Notes:

Adobe Premiere was used to edit the Blu Ray version of the Final Cut.

Other Sources:

Blade Runner soundtrack by Vangelis.

Special Thanks:

TM2YC, Moe_Syzlak

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