Flammable and Summer of the White Shark

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Flammable and Summer of the White Shark

Faneditor: Maniac  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st September 2016
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:56m:0s
Time Cut: 1h:43m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Jaws
Genre: HorrorThriller
Original Title: Duel (1971)   Jaws (1975)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1971
Original Runtime: 1h:30m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


A Steven Spielberg Double Feature of Duel and Jaws.


Intention was to recut my first "Battle" cut of Duel now in a short 31 minutes version with other music overdub. Also some technical improvements are done which was not possible in the first one. Jaws is simply a faster cut and the social life of Chief Brody is more on the background in this cut.

Change List:

Flammable: - Opening scene is cut, Mann is already on the road - The radio sound is gone - There are some very small cuts in the first scene when he drives to the Truck and in the first chase - Gas station is cut, so also the phone conversation - The Dialogue is almost gone, there are a few short lines of Mann and the two old guys when he crashes in front of the restaurant - The Restaurant scene is cut, Mann stays in his car after the crash - Bus driver and children are cut - The Snake lady and the Phone booth scene is cut - Asking for help to the old man and lady is cut, also in that scene there are some small cuts, like Mann is NOT walking to the Truck - Some movie mistakes of the original are cut Summer of the White Shark: - Credits are cut (new credits) - Attack on the first victim is a little bit trimmed - I cut most of the scenes of the family of Brody, he has a family but that's it - In most of the scenes unnecessary dialogue is cut - Attack of the two fishermen is cut, (you don't see the shark so in the trashcan with it) - Quint is a little (very little) nicer to Hooper in this edit, so no working class hero bullshit - There are some scenes cut of Brody and Hooper (trimmed or cut like the visit of Hooper at Brody's house) - Ellen Brody is way at the background in this cut - On the boat of Quint the action scenes are now more "together" if you know what i mean - The story of Quint about the sharks in the early days is cut, the following song is still in this edit - Building the shark cage is cut.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Star Beast: Alien Grindhoused
Star Wars: Andor: Chapter III - The Rebellion
Once Upon A Time In Mexico: Grindhouse Cut
The Thing from 1951
Star Wars: Andor: Chapter I - The Reckoning
Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Bossa Nova Edition
Prey: The Implicit Cut
Star Wars - Episode IV: 2004 Special Edition Revisited (Purist Edition)