Faneditor: JasonN   Fanedit Type: FanFix Fanedit Release Date: 9th March 2009 Fanedit Runtime: 1h:46m:0s Time Cut: 0h:30m:0s Time Added: 0h:2m:0s Franchise: Star Wars Genre: Action • Adventure • Fantasy • Sci-Fi Original Title: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)    Original Release Date: 1st January 1999 Original Runtime: 2h:16m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: U Source: Digital/DVD Resolution: Sound Mix: Language: Subtitles:    
This fanedit combines the best aspects from other TPM fanedits along with the faneditor’s own concepts/edits to create a definitive version of “The Phantom Menace”.
To combine the best aspects from other TPM fanedits along with my own concepts/edits to create a definitive version of “The Phantom Menace”.
Change List:
01. Added a new title crawl (developed from an After Effects “Star Wars title crawl” sequence originally created by Taolar)
02. Major cuts/edits to Jar-Jar Binks, Anakin, Padme, the Gungans, and the Trade Federation
03. Removed all references to midichlorians, Anakin’s virgin birth, or the Chosen One prophecy
04. All scenes featuring Sidious’s now has his face from under his hod removed and his voice has been altered/lowered to conceal his identity
05. All Battle Droids’ voices have been removed (with the exception of one scene, where the voice is needed for plot purposes)
06. Removed dialogue redundancy throughout the film
07. No “Planet Core” sequence (both first and second parts)
08. Removed a lot of redundant dialogue by Ric Olie (aka “Captain Obvious”)
09. Took out the Viceroy’s “Now there are two of them!” line followed by his croony’s “We shouldn’t have made this bargin”
10. Removed Jar-Jar’s redundant scene with Padme cleaning R2
11. Removed Jar-Jar stepping in sh*t
12. Added in Watto humming the “Cantina theme” in his first scene in the film (audio taken from Magnoliafan’s “Balance to the Force” edit)
13. Added Watto shouting “You break it, you buy it, eh!” line to Jar-Jar (audio taken from Magnoliafan’s “Balance to the Force” edit)
14. Added the deleted scene of Anakin beating up Greedo back into the film – it now serves as Anakin’s character introduction to Qui-Gon
15. Removed the “Jar-Jar antics” at the Skywalker table
16. The Pod Race has been patterned after Slumberland’s cut (with a few additional tweaks/edits of my own)
- No two-headed alien “sports announcer” commentary
- No scenes of Jabba the Hutt
17. Added the deleted scene of Qui-Gon cutting down the probe droid back into the film
18. No mention of Queen Amadala being “elected” in the Senate scenes
19. Anakin does not talk after the “No Sir” line during the Jedi Council’s testing
20. Took out Qui-Gon’s description of Obi-Wan to the Jedi Council to “sell” them on making him a Jedi Knight
21. Numerous cuts to the Battle of Naboo sequence (Gungan army, Padme’s group, Anakin in space)
22. Padme’s “Get to your ships!” line has been replaced with the voice that was used in the TPM trailer
23. Anakin’s ship is no longer on autopilot (now pilots of his own choice)
24. Removed Qui-Gon asking Obi-Wan to train Anakin at his death
25. Removed Obi-Wan’s “I gave Qui-Gon my word” line to Yoda on training Anakin at end of film (Obi-Wan now decides to train the boy on his own)
26. Corrected the bad match-cut of Anakin turning his head at Qui-Gon’s funeral
27. Added “Faneditor’s credit” to the end credits