Matrix Hacked Revolutions

Updated: 4th May 2024

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Matrix Hacked Revolutions

Faneditor: Doctor M  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 20th July 2006
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:36m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: The Matrix
Genre: ActionCyberpunkSci-Fi
Original Title: The Matrix Revolutions (2003)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2003
Original Runtime: 2h:9m:0s
Original Links:

Sound Mix:


Matrix Hacked is the most daring cut of the sequels ever, disregarding the existing storylines of the originals for a whole new approach. Just impressive!


Ok, I LOVE the first Matrix. I was a bit of a fan of Keanu (whoa), and I got mild enjoyment out of Johnny Mnemonic (I am a big fan of William Gibson). When I first saw the film advertised I couldn’t believe someone was stupid enough to let Keanu near another CyberPunk film. I did drool at the prospect though. Opening day I took the day off and went to see it. I then saw it again that evening with a friend. And again a third time later that weekend with my sister. This is in fact the only time I have seen a first run movie 3 times in the theater. Matrix 2 and 3. How could I not like the idea? The second one was weak. They even tried embarrassingly to rip off the theme of The Empire Strikes Back for the ending. The Architect is his father; Neo-Solo is frozen in carbonite; Trinity is his sister. (j/k) Ok, sophomore slump. The third, man that’s gotta rock right? #2 was just the wind up to the main event… I nearly chewed my leg off to escape the theater while I was watching it. I couldn’t believe the Wachowski’s had gotten so lost from the original film. I tried to wipe the whole experience from my mind. BUT after watching the really nice things the CBB Group did with the DeZionized Matrix I was struck with the realization that the movies may not be as irretrievable as I originally believed. To get the best film though would require complete disregard for the material and the filmmakers. A cut so daring that some would call it impossible, genius or even daft. So this has been gestating for over a year. Nine drafts of the script and a lot of on-the-fly changes, a lots of false starts and versions, but it is done.

Change List:

Incomplete due to extensive editing. More extensive info at Original Trilogy Forum thread.) Both films sport new/different beginnings. (Matrix 2 starts with dream/flashback from Matrix 1) Both films sport new/different/more upbeat endings. (Drastically so for Matrix 3) Neo has been restored as the only One… ever. The Oracle isn’t in hiding. Gloria Foster partially restored to explain her change of appearance. To remove annoying or rambling dialog: Less Locke. Less Kid. Less Merovinian rambling. Less home life with Link. Less Councilor Hamann. Merovingian doesn’t extol the virtues of the French (this was the only time in any of the 3 films that a real geographic location is named. Oops.) Neo isn’t worshiped as a god. Trainman plot thread removed. Machines do not talk of love. Action spread around better in Matrix 3 to prevent sensory overload. Neo doesn’t have magical powers in the Real World (more Zatoichi less Mua’dib). No Rave in Matrix 2. No extended introduction to the soon to be dead goons. Extended and recut Trinity’s flight. (Different riff on this than DeZionized. But props to the CBB group for blazing the trail.) Last Exile Plot thread removed. Neo doesn’t zap squids or faint. Sati and family removed. Morpheus – Locke – Nioble love triangle removed. Maggie (and a few others) now survive. No infantry plot line (send in the Mechs!) to remove gritty war film feel. Super Brawl relocated. End of war celebration added/relocated.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

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