Matrix Revolutions: The Epic Edition

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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Matrix Revolutions: The Epic Edition

Faneditor: geminigod  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 25th June 2011
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:52m:0s
Time Cut: 1h:35m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: The Matrix
Genre: ActionCyberpunkSci-Fi
Original Title: The Matrix Reloaded (2003)   The Matrix Revolutions (2003)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2003
Original Runtime: 2h:18m:0s
Original Links:

Source: AVCHD/Blu-Ray/DVD
Sound Mix:


The ultimate Matrix experience, bringing Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions together into one streamlined epic edition that remains true to the universe as the Wachowski brothers originally conceived it, while delivering a complete and engaging story.


To create a high quality movie that honors the Wachowski brothers while simultaneously delivering a seamless story that works and engages the audience from beginning to end.

Change List:

I have held a love for storytelling since my earliest years when my brother and I would stay up late deconstructing a movie we had watched. Who doesn’t love a good story? But it is one thing to enjoy a story and another to understand what makes a story enjoyable. There is no set of movies I have spent more time deconstructing than the Matrix movies. They are plush with great philosophy, action, and science fiction. The story is set in one of the most original universes to have been created in our lifetime. The ideas it presented have forever changed movie-making and the public consciousness. It was a franchise that defined a generation, and yet, unlike Star Wars, the franchise is dead. Few people even bother to watch the original movies anymore. Why? Well, we all know why in a nutshell. Revolutions sucked. Some very talented faneditors have succeeded at fixing certain elements of Revolutions but always at the cost of other elements. Such efforts thus far have metaphorically consisted of amputating an infected animal’s leg so it can limp on rather than finding a way to cure the whole animal. I have great respect for the Wachowski brothers. They have done great works, and I mean them no disrespect when I say the following. Matrix Revolutions is a cautionary tale for artists. Artwork invariably takes on a life of its own. The story speaks back, and when the artist doesn’t listen, Matrix Revolutions is what results with its forced tangents and ill-conceived plot twists. They tried to make it more than it needed to be or should have been and consequently killed the goose. This fanedit is an attempt to be more true to the story and to the Wachowski Brothers’ original vision for it. The Goals: 1) Deliver a story that someone who has never seen the original movies can follow from beginning to end, find to be enjoyable, thought provoking, and engaging. 2) Deliver a movie that is of high technical quality and can look good on people’s bookshelves and in their home theaters for many years to come. 3) Deliver a movie that both my college screenwriting professor and the Wachowski brothers might respect. Bonus Animatrix material is accessible from the main menu. It is intended to enhance the overall viewing experience as introduction to the universe and as an opportunity to reset your expectations. I hope it helps to get you excited again about just how much potential this universe has to offer and to come at this edition with fresh eyes as if you are watching it for the first time. If you can manage on this level, I believe you will be very pleased with the results of the feature film. Revolutions was a letdown, but it held such promise, and there are so many redeeming aspects to be found in both Reloaded & Revolutions. I hope this edit helps to reveal the diamond in the rough. Cuts and Additions: Rather than discussing specific cuts, which are too many to list and some difficult to describe (due to re-ordering of sequences), I will briefly outline the guiding principles behind the edits I made. ,SPOILER WARNING,: Some of the major edits made may be implied to those familiar with the movies. 1) It takes more than cuts to fix this movie without creating major story gaps. Thus two new scenes and one highly modified scene have been created that represents approximately 3 minutes of new scenes (made from existing theatrical footage). 2) The key to the tension throughout the story, the hinge, if you will, that the entire story arc rests upon is Zion. Zion cannot be removed and it cannot suck. The tension from the first movie is derived from Neo succeeding or failing in becoming the One. The tension in the sequels is derived from Zion rising or falling. 3) Both Reloaded and Revolutions are one to-be-continued movie. I do not believe this was necessary other than to milk the audience for a 2nd movie, nor do I believe they originally had enough material for two movies. Many of the worst plot points arose from this decision to make two movies instead of one as (I suspect) the first draft was originally written to be. 4) The pressure to include a big mind-blowing plot twist, like existed in Matrix 1, drove the creators to fabricate an ill-conceived plot twist for the 2nd & 3rd movies that leads the story astray from the way it was originally conceived and should have remained. 5) The death of the original actress, Gloria Foster, who played the Oracle is unfortunate, but her change of appearance is explained and her scenes with Neo are vital to his character arc (although highly edited to remove unimportant or bad dialogue!). 6) Less is more, right up until it comes at the cost of dramatic tension, good storytelling, and effective characters! Thus, some controversial supporting characters and scenes remain, but hopefully you will find these elements to be modified in a way that is far more satisfying when all is said and done than the original. 7) Neo is the One. This should be quite clear at the end of Matrix 1. Humanity is facing a possible extinction. It should not be surprising or unusual to expect some religious connotations pertaining to his character or the story in general. It fits the story being told (although toned down a bit in this edit). 8) I love me some good action, but I also love me some good pacing. At its core, the Matrix is an action movie, and there is some amazing action in these movies. Much of the action remains intact, but I have tried to strike more of a balance with pacing in some scenes. 9) Philosophy is our friend, right up until it makes no sense or contributes to poorly conceived plot elements.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Stankpac helped review an early draft with some good feedback and has served as an occasional sounding board for a year now. , Captain Khajiit patiently educated and assisted me in producing the amazing looking DVD encode of this movie. , Boon and Doctor M provided some indirect inspiration with their edits of this movie.

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