Star Trek: That Which Survives - Logical Edition

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Star Trek: That Which Survives - Logical Edition

Faneditor: Dwight Fry  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 11th July 2021
Fanedit Runtime: 0h:48m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:3m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Star Trek
Genre: ActionAdventureSci-Fi
Original Title: Star Trek: The Original Series (1967)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1968
Original Runtime: 0h:51m:0s
Original Links:

Source: AVCHD/Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: Yes


The Star Trek TOS episode "That Which Survives" in a version that gets Spock, who's wildly out of character here, in line with his portrayal in the rest of the show.


"That Which Survives" has always been a complex episode to stomach for me. On one hand I enjoy the main Losira plot, but for me the episode is ruined by having Spock act like a completely douche to everyone, but particularly Scotty and Uhura, for no reason whatsoever. The Warlord got around the problem in his "Star Trek: Survival" edit by linking his behavior to the Pon Farr, but while his edit was beautifully realized, it's necessarily non-canon for reasons I won't spoil, plus such a concept only really works if, like there, appended to "Amok Time". This edit presents most of the episode intact, but with the Spock scenes trimmed back to his usual persona.

Change List:

Used the original FX version of the episode. Sorry, but I detest the CGI FX ones. As for the technical stuff: Sony Vegas Pro 13 for the main editing, Audacity to separate the audio into six .wav files, SurCode DVD-DTS to mux the result back into .dts, Adobe After Effects to customize the title card, and MKVToolNix to create the final 5.8GB (Blu-ray compliant) .mkv file. Cuts and Additions: - Added logo at the start. - Cut Spock's reply to Uhura "My head seems to have impacted with the arm of the chair" and Uhura asking again. Now he replies properly the first time around. - Customized the title card, motion tracking the additions in Adobe After Effects since the original was not completely still. - Cut Spock calling Scotty's statement "both illogical and unworthy of refutation". - Cut Spock telling Scotty to restrain his leaps of illogic. - Cut Spock's "unavailing and undignified" remark to Scotty. - Cut Lt. Rahda telling Spock the estimated time of arrival, and him chastising her for not being more precise. - Cut Spock telling Dr. M'Benga to refrain from guessing. - Only non-Spock cut: Cut Sulu's horribly sexist line "Stop or I'll shoot! I don't want to have to kill a woman". - Cut Spock's extremely cold lines to Uhura about the woman having gotten off the ship "the same way she came in" and calling the chances of Kirk and the others being alive "gambling". - Cut Spock's inappropriately over-precise calculation of the minutes and seconds until maximum overload, and Scotty telling him that those few seconds don't make any difference. - Cut Spock coldly telling Scotty "I'm aware of these facts. Please get on with the job" when facing the possibility of having to jettison him. - Cut Spock asking Scotty about the purpose of saying "thank you". - Added acknowledgement to the end credits.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Bionic Bob, for previewing the edit and providing his usual Trekker wisdom. Live long and prosper, good sir!

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