
Updated: 27th April 2024

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Faneditor: youngy94  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 10th July 2020
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:21m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:14m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: A Nightmare on Elm Street
Genre: Horror
Original Title: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1984
Original Runtime: 1h:31m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


Teenagers that are all neighborhood friends begin having the same dream of a horribly disfigured man who stalks them in their dreams. The teenagers discover that they all share a common link from their childhood that makes them targets for Krueger.


To remove all the silly humor and remove all the unnecessary dialogue to improve the flow of the movie. I'm also going to try and do what was orignally mean't to happen with Krueger being innocent which makes his motive for killing even stronger as he is now out for revenge for being accused of a crime he never commited.

Change List:

Rescored opening * Cut Nancy talking to Quintin Cut Gwen & Alan talking Trimmed Nancy in her room Cut Freddy's " You really shouldn't fall asleep in class" Cut Freddy's " You look just as beautiful as ever" Cut Kris talking to her mum Kris now only calls for Rufus once while leaning out the door Cut Freddy's " I was just patting him" Trimmed Kris's death Cut Nancy's mum telling her to go to bed Trimmed Jesse walking to his cell Cut Jesse in his cell Cut Nancy & Quintin at the library Cut Jesse's cell mate yelling Cut Nancy's mum in the lounge Cut Gwen talking on the phone Cut Quintin in his room Trimmed Nancy & Quintin in the car Cut Quintin entering pharmacy Trimmed Nancy in the car Cut Quintin talking to the pharmacist Cut few small parts in the secret room Cut Quintin finding photos Cut Freddy's "tag, your it" Trimmed dialogue between Nancy and Freddy Cut Freddy's "now how's this for a wet dream" Trimmed Nancy in the bedroom Cut Nancy's "your in my world now bitch" Changed ending Rescored ending * Version 2: 6 Minutes shorter Rearranged scenes 36:43 - 44:42 Changed Nancy's bath dream to Freddy's death Trimmed Nancy & Quintin in the bedroom Cut Quintin swimming

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) A Nightmare On Elm Street Part III

Special Thanks:

To everyone that gave feedback that helped me improve my edit and to Jimmy Jesus for watching my edit and giving feedback. I also have to give a big thanks to jswert123456 for doing a cover for my edit which looks awesome and much better then the basic one I had.

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