Friday the 13th [raymix]

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Friday the 13th [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 3rd January 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:20m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:16m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Friday the 13th
Genre: HorrorMysteryThriller
Original Title: Friday the 13th (1980)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1980
Original Runtime: 1h:35m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


The opening has been moved forward by 11 years & the "present" back by 5 years, leaving a gap of 6 years instead of 21. This corrects Jason's age & helps the chronology of the rest of the series going forward. Both of the new dates are real Friday the 13ths. There are many cuts made to alter the timeline, remove filler, tighten the editing & improve the overall ambiance.


This project aims to bring stronger continuity, tighter editing & improved pacing to all 12 films in the Friday the 13th movie series.

Change List:

I tried to stay true to Bill Freda's editing style from the original film. I didn't want anything to seem changed or altered at all. This mostly meant simple cutting & a general documentarian-style approach. Cuts and Additions: based on the UNCUT version -added the logo -added my fanedit production logo. -added music over the Paramount production logo & director credit. (Overlay of Evil) -new "A Sean S. Cunningham Film" credit. -new music continues over the opening scene. -slight slo-mo on the opening pan-down shot. -removed the "1958" text. -added "Friday, July 13th 1969" text. -new title logo. -edited the Main Theme to match the new title sequence. -added sound effects during the new title sequence. -removed the opening credits. -cut first shot of Annie walking so that both pre & post-title scenes open with a pan-down shot. -removed "Preset Day" text. -added "Friday, July 13th 1975" text. -cut Annie talking to the dog. -cut a shot of Enos helping Annie into the truck. -cut Enos hesitating to tell Annie he thinks she should "Quit". -removed the dates & events from Enos' story that don't align with my new timeline. -cut some of Enos' "Dumb kid" dialog. -cut Annie's corny "When you've had a dream this long..." line while in the Jeep. -removed the 'Snake in the Dorm' scene. -changed the two lightning flashes during Jack & Marcie's chat from orange to blue to look more like lightning. -shortened Marcie's 'Fear of Storms/Bad Dream' story. -shortened Jack & Marcie's sex scene. -cut a few frames from the end of Jack's death. -shortened the shot of Marcie running to the restrooms. -shortened the shot looking in from outside the restroom after Marcie goes in. -removed the 'Steve at the Diner' scene. -shortened Brenda brushing her teeth. -cut Brenda lighting candles in her cabin. -Brenda gets up after hearing Jason's first cry for "Help" instead of ignoring it. -added the second cry for "Help" after Brenda gets up. -added a beat between one of Brenda's "Where are you?"s & "Hello?"s. -cut Alice standing around & then playing the guitar by herself. -faster cut after Alice & Bill leave together. -faster cut after Bill leaves Alice asleep on the couch. -shortened the 'Bill Checks the Power Generator' scene. -removed the 'Alice Makes Coffee' scene. -Alice takes faster action after Brenda comes through the window. -cut Pamela saying the murders happened the year "after" Jason drowned, making it the same year instead. -cut some of Pamela's dialog about Jason's death. -several cuts for a faster, more brutal fight between Alice & Pamela. -cut Pamela's silly slapping attacks. -we don't see Pamela speaking for Jason. (it's really him!) -cut Alice grinning after the decap. -removed the 'Alice Wakes Up at the Hospital' scene. -new music over the end credits. (The Last Fight/The Chop to the End) -added a shot of the lake to post-credits. -added my production logo to the end. -added music cue to post-credits & production logo. (Overlay of Evil)

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Friday the 13th Soundtrack (Waxwork Records remaster, 2014) Sound Effects (

Special Thanks:

ArtisDead & Ryantology for previewing & approving this edit.

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