Friday the 13th Part 6 - Jason Lives [raymix]

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Friday the 13th Part 6 - Jason Lives [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 10th February 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:22m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:5m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Friday the 13th
Genre: HorrorMysteryThriller
Original Title: Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1986
Original Runtime: 1h:26m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


Dates changed to keep continuity with the of the rest F13 [raymix] series timeline & keep it on a real Friday the 13th. Much of the self-referential comedy is removed to maintain better atmosphere. There's still plenty of humor. There are many cuts made to alter the timeline, remove filler, tighten the editing & improve the overall ambiance.


This project aims to bring stronger continuity, tighter editing & improved pacing to all 12 films in the Friday the 13th movie series.

Change List:

I tried to stay true to Bruce Green's editing style from the original film. I didn't want anything to seem changed or altered at all. This mostly meant sharp, quick cutting & trying to keep the energy high. Cuts and Additions: -added the logo -added my fanedit production logo. -added music over the Paramount production logo & director credit. (Overlay of Evil) -new "A Tom McLoughlin Film" credit. -added "Thursday, September 12th 1985" text to the shot of Tommy's truck driving past. -lightning only strikes the fence post once instead of twice. -removed several repeated shots after the lightning strike. -new title logo. -edited the Main Theme to match the new title sequence. -added sound effects during the new title sequence. -removed the James Bond homage. -removed the opening credits. -Jason doesn't take as long to spear Elizabeth into the mud. -added "Friday, September 13th" text to the shot of Tommy waking up in the jail cell. -Martin, the grave keeper, doesn't break the 4th wall. -cut the smiley face on the tree after Burt is slammed into it. -cut Roy bumbling around in the woods. -cut some of Roy running from Jason so that Jason doesn't seem to teleport. -cut Deputy Rick explaining how a laser sight works. -cut Marvin's "fart head" line & the subsequent "Yeah!" from the kids. -cut Marvin's dialog about being lost. -cut some of Nikki & Court's PG sex scene. -Nikki doesn't stand around holding the frayed wire as long. -cut Court mentioning "that Jason guy." -cut Nikki getting thrown around when Court takes off in the RV. -cut Nikki telling Court to pull over & let her drive. -improved music cue as Jason stands atop the burning RV. -replaced the weird telephone ring in the Sheriff's office with a normal 80's phone sound. -cut Deputy Rick mentioning "Jason's old M.O." -removed Tommy flipping through the Occult books. -removed 2 quick cutaways to Jason in the woods while Megan is balancing on the Sheriff's chair. -tightened editing when Deputy Rick shows Sheriff Garris the bodies. -added music coming though Sissy's headphones. (Smooth Operator by Sade) -removed Deputy Rick smashing the bug on his desk. -cut Tommy's callback to Rick's laser sight explanation. -removed Tommy referring to Crystal Lake as Jason's "original resting place." -removed the kids talking under the bed. ("What did you wanna be when you grew up?") -Jason doesn't turn around when Megan yells for Tommy. -cut some of Tommy's taunts at Jason. -cut Tommy saying "Jason's home." -moved the shot of Jason's eye opening to post-credits. -different music over end credits. (F13 P6 Main Theme) -added my production logo to the end. -added music cue to post-credits & production logo. (Overlay of Evil)

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Friday the 13th Soundtrack (Waxwork Records remaster, 2014) Friday the 13th Part 6- Jason Lives Soundtrack (Waxwork Records remaster, 2019) Smooth Operator by Sade (from the album Diamond Life, 1984) Sound Effects ( &

Special Thanks:

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Fixed by Caleb Gamman)
Bateman Begins: An American Psycho
Frank Zappa's Baby Snakes - Concert Cut (122 Minutes, Restored Audio/Video)
The Dark Side of the Rainbow
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Bossa Nova Edition
Pulp Fiction: The Chronological Edit
Raising Cain - Director’s Cut
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Chapter II