Alligator Elongator'd

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Alligator Elongator'd

Faneditor: MusicEd921  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 4th March 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:39m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:8m:0s
Genre: HorrorSci-Fi
Original Title: Alligator (1980)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1980
Original Runtime: 1h:31m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


Alligator Elongator'd takes all of the additional scenes exclusively featured in the TV cut of the film and seamlessly adds them back into the theatrical cut so that you still have all of the blood and gore and gator poop while also spending some extra time with our hero and his receding hairline.


I've always been a fan of Alligator whenever I could catch it on the old Syfy channel. I was literally shopping for the blu ray when I found out that SHOUT! Factory was putting out a beautiful set that included a remaster of the TV cut. I decided that once I got it in my hands, I would seek to bring all of the additions in to make for a complete viewing experience. Some of the additional shots don't add much and the occasional extended scene was cut for a reason, but all in all, you get to spend a little more time watching this gem of a horror film.

Change List:

No scenes were cut! -Added back in scene with the young Marisa and her baby alligator on the side of the road as her dad opens the top of their convertible -Added back earlier shot of David choosing a puppy -Added back extra shot of the pet store owner -Added back in all additional shots of David and Kelly in the sewer -Added back scene showing the extensive research David was doing on alligators while sitting in bed -Added back extended shots of soldiers making noise in the sewer -Added back shot of David fixing his hair after talking on the megaphone -Added back the extended scene of the hunter, Brock demonstrating animal sounds to the reporter -Added back montage of police speaking with residents around town -Added back one of the most popular scenes which features a mom leaving her child outside in a pack-and-play while she goes inside to answer the phone and when she goes back out, her yard has been destroyed and her child is missing (don't worry, the kiddo is ok) -Added back a scene with David and his puppy as they go to a phone booth so David can call Marisa -Added back the extended scene of David and Marisa talking in bed with David mentioning how someone told him he should get a wig -Added back longer shot of Brock and the men he's recruited as they walk down the street to "Booger Alley" -Added back scene of David tinkering with the bomb for later use while he's watching a news report on the alligator -Added back a brief joke between David and Marisa about his hair and there not being much to shave

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Dwight Fry and Heathen3017 for previewing and catching some of the silly mistakes I made on the first go-round!

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