The NeverEnding Story - Hybrid Cut

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The NeverEnding Story - Hybrid Cut

Faneditor: ParanoidAndroid  
Fanedit Type: Special Projects
Fanedit Release Date: 20th February 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:41m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:6m:0s
Time Added: 0h:6m:0s
Genre: Fantasy
Original Title: The NeverEnding Story (1984)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1984
Original Runtime: 1h:41m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


Mixes elements of the two released versions to give viewers a new take on this eighties classic.


As is probably the case for most viewers I first saw the shorter International Cut, widely-available on blu-ray but with disappointing picture quality (image softness, excessive gate weave, weird colour timing etc). I had always been interested in seeing the longer original German version and finally bought it after it was released on blu-ray newly restored, and while I found the viewing experience overall better (a massive improvement in picture quality for one thing) I missed certain elements from the version I had seen before. I consider this Cut my ideal hybrid of the two official ones, and hope that others find it interesting.

Change List:

• Added FanEdit disclaimer and personal plate. • Added Warner Brothers vanity plate from TNS. • Extracted English language TNS text and pasted onto black background to resemble those from DUG (removing gate weave as a bonus), added in Tilo Pruckner’s credit from DUG at proper place. • Retain Klaus Doldinger DUG title music in lieu of TNS song, combined with absence of coloured clouds this is more fitting to put us into Bastian’s mind as he dreams of his mother • Used TNS shots from Bastian seeing the book to Coreander finding his note, to keep onscreen text English. Slowed down the tilt to the note in order to make room for a little of the DUG music that plays as the scene ends. • Replaced audio of Rockbither, Nighthob and Teeny Weeny in the forest with that from TNS to avoid the latter’s (in my opinion) distracting accent of the dubbed voice in DUG. • Recut DUG footage as Ivory Tower is introduced to play to TNS audio with Moroder theme (DUG music here is a variation on Happy Flight, commonly used throughout). • Added three of the four TNS cutaway shots during Cairon’s speech (one is duplicated later in both versions). • Rearranged DUG footage from Atreyu riding out to the reveal of Gmork so it closer matches TNS, find the flow more natural (all riding scenes are followed by Gmork rather than broken into two sections), kept DUG score so needed to repeat a middle section. Decided to retain the DUG soundtrack (same piece as TNS but arranged differently), a consequence is that the DUG accent of Teeny Weeny is present but is not so distracting under the music. • Used TNS audio over scene of Atreyu and Artax in the clearing, it adds some nice music over the scene where there was none before. • Added four TNS shots to show the English (rather than German) titled book in the attic after Bastian throws it down. • Added TNS shot of Falkor’s reflection in the water just before he dives in search of the Auryn, shortened following DUG shot to match TNS equivalent (believed originally done so to avoid model drifting and spoiling the effect shot) and played TNS soundtrack as Falkor searches for the Auryn. • Reinstated Moroder music as Atreyu and Falkor approach the Ivory Tower (and replaced a warped frame with an identical following one when cutting back to the Tower after Bastian bites the apple). • Kept TNS credits with accompanying song, perfectly appropriate with the uplifting ending.

Additional Notes:

The International Cut derived items are labelled TNS (The NeverEnding Story) and German Cut correspondingly DUG (Die Unendliche Geschichte). TNS is mainly used as audio source and for shot reference, the very occasional footage used is adjusted to try and match DUG as best as possible. DUG provides an English language track nearly identical to that in TNS, only a couple of noticeable differences besides the absence of any Giorgio Moroder music. TNS footage speeded up by 0.1% from 23.976024 FPS to match DUG 24 FPS

Other Sources:

• Die Unendliche Geschichte - 2019 blu-ray • The NeverEnding Story - 30th Anniversary blu-ray

Special Thanks:

Huge thanks to Dwight Fry for reviewing my edit, providing assistance and making invaluable suggestions for improvements!

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