24 minutes cut from the film, the pacing is upped and the story is clearer. Less time is spent on subplots, but the important elements remain. Some music homages to the TV series have been added.
This edit mainly focuses on upping the pacing of this movie, which I like very much. This is an action movie with very little action, so the slow pacing and spending too much time on the romance subplots really hurt the film. However, I don't think the solution is to remove those subplots entirely, as they're uniquely romantic and interesting. The best, most important parts remain, but everything movies at a far faster pace making for a brisk, tense film.
Change List:
- Added a credit for myself, and trying out a new logo card.
- Music in the boat race is replaced with a version of Crockett's theme. Some shots cut for time/pacing.
- Cut Sonny and Rico going to Alonzo's apartment and being told to turn around, they just go straight to the FBI meeting. A new establishing shot of Miami has been added.
- Removed Sonny repeating a line three times to Fujima.
- Cut Sonny staring out the window at Nicholas' condo.
- Cut the end of the scene with Nicholas, it now ends with "Why is this happening to me?" "Because you live a life of crime"
- Cut the scene of Yero checking out their credentials. It can be assumed he does that given they just discussed their fake identities with Trudy, and its stated multiple times throughout the film that he checked them out.
- Removed the shower/love scene between Trudy and Rico.
- Cut the end of the fake identities scene with Trudy.
- Cut some of Sonny and Rico's plane trip to meet Yero, and a bit of them walking through town to get to the meeting faster.
- cut some of the tough guy dialogue in the first Yero meeting.
- Cut the scene of Sonny and Rico clearing their hotel room.
- Cut some of the lead up to meeting Montoya.
- Cut the scene where they meet Trudy after she receives the flowers. it's more ominous if they don't get a chance to meet up. Removed dialogue referencing they are planning on meeting.
- The dancing scene in Cuba is trimmed down and moves straight into the love scene between Sonny and Isabella.
- The scene on the Cuba balcony is cut, and we go straight from Sonny waking up to the scene in the cafe.
- The shower/negotiation scene is cut, we go straight from the cafe to Sonny on his way back to Miami.
- The beginning of the scene in Montoya's house is cut, going straight to him reading the newspaper while Isabel approaches.
- Some of Sonny and Isabella's dialogue about her getting out of the business is cut for pacing.
- Sonny longingly looking at Isabel from the cargo boat is cut... generally a lot of Sonny looking longingly at things is cut.
- Some of the business with Trudy and the supremacists is cut for pacing. Also cut some of the team moving through the trailer park. Generally I cut to get the gang to her rescue quicker.
- Cut some of the business after the explosion. We now cut straight from Trudy on the ground to Trudy at the hospital.
- Some dialogue while the team waits at the hospital is cut for pacing.
- An instrumental version of In The Air Tonight plays over the team prepping to go to the final meeting with Yero.
- The aftermath of the shootout and Sonny taking Isabella to the safehouse is an amalgam of the director's cut, the theatrical cut, and my own instincts to make the scene flow better. Isabella now no longer tries to crash the car on the way there.
- A full version of In The Air Tonight plays over the end credits.
Additional Notes:
Other Sources:
Special Thanks: