M.A.S.K: The Series Finale

Updated: 27th April 2024

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M.A.S.K: The Series Finale

Faneditor: Zarius  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 9th June 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 0h:36m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:16m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: ActionAnimationSci-Fi
Original Title: M.A.S.K. (TV Show)(1985)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1985
Original Runtime: 0h:50m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


VENOM has stolen the statue of liberty and discovered the true identity of M.A.S.K leader Matt Tracker. With the fate of an important American symbol and M.A.S.K itself under threat, can Matt and the team hold it together and prevent VENOM from taking everything and everyone they know apart?


I have, over the years, long desired to give M.A.S.K proper closure, I recently had a notion for that, using the season one episode “Eyes Of The Skull”, it’s so good and would have made a brilliant last chapter if not for the big reset at the end…which doesn’t matter anyway because by the racing season Matt and M.A.S.K are public knowledge, and Miles is tied to M.A.S.K’s creation. So if a ‘finale’ must be made, I had considered portions of both episodes, the lion’s share of ‘Eyes of the Skull’ but without the reset ending, a fragment of “For One Shining Moment”, up until the hand shake, but cut around any references to Matt having a public connection, or Miles being involved with M.A.S.K and working with Matt. Sounds easy right? Some of it was, but ultimately I was left dissatisfied, it just did not connect all that well. It’s all too evident these are different shows and too much goes unexplained. This is one of those instances where you just have to ignore things you don’t find all that bad and focus on where the strengths of the franchise lie, and that’s in the original 65 episode run. Combine “Eyes of the Skull” with another episode from the run that comes the closest to a climax for the show. Not so hard a task as you imagine, as I’ve edited the episode best suited for this mission before to make it more ‘climatic’, that being Assault on Liberty. Combining the majority of “Skull” with “Liberty”‘s first act and all of it’s third works so much better, and the reset endings of both are just as easy to snip off. So that’s it, after working ‘overtime’ (two nights and seven drafts), M.A.S.K have finished fighting crime. Hope you enjoy their efforts as well as mine

Change List:

-Inserted "Crystal Skull" scene to the one set in Kennedy's PN office -Removed Cornfield battle -Removed Miles Mayhem surviving the destruction of Switchblade and vowing revenge on M.A.S.K

Additional Notes:

I also specially filtered it so it resembles an authentic VHS copy.

Other Sources:

M.A.S.K DVD Kideo Video VHS Opening borrowed from Youtube. "Assault On Liberty" and "Eyes of the Skull"

Special Thanks:

Frank Zappa's Baby Snakes - Concert Cut (122 Minutes, Restored Audio/Video)
Chicken Little and the War of the Worlds
Dune (1984) The Alternative Edition Redux / Special 1080p Edition
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]
Sisu Grindhouse Edit
The Thief and the Cobbler : Tsasakos Cut
Home Alone: The 'Kevin Alone' Cut
Violent Night: HO HO HO! Edit