The Outside Man (Un Homme Est Morte): A Mister Cooper Fanfix

Updated: 1st May 2024

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The Outside Man (Un Homme Est Morte): A Mister Cooper Fanfix

Faneditor: MisterCooper  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 19th July 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:23m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:27m:0s
Time Added: 0h:2m:0s
Genre: Action
Original Title: The Outside Man (1972)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1972
Original Runtime: 1h:50m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


After fulfilling a contract killing in Los Angeles, a French hit man becomes the target of a hit himself and tries to flee back to Paris.


Make a sleeker action based thriller that removes all of clumsy editing and extra padding.

Change List:

Theres so much extra random footage I removed, it's almost impossible to keep track of everything, but here's the main removals and french additons Scenes removed : Jean-Louis Trintignant speaking to operator Jean-Louis Trintignant and Ann-Margret having breakfast Roy Scheider drives to gas station and waits Alex Rocco hanging out at strip club Cop Subplot and the reoccurring carjacking victim Lots of scenes of people driving and getting out of cars and/or walking Readjusted almost every action or conversation scene to make it work with the resynced English audio track, or to just make the scenes flow better. Scenes included : Chase scene with police and older woman Roy gets a Burger Establishing shot of hotel Jean Louis checking his pockets Extended conversation of Ann Margaret and Jean Louis in Motel before the airport.

Additional Notes:

Where to begin with this movie, for those that don't know, this film was a co-french production and with the main star being french, all of his scenes were reshot with him doing his lines in French and English for each market (Fr/USA), now this is where the fun begins. The American version is also much shorter than the French version, the french version seems to have added every bit of footage they had shot for the film, there was actually so much b-roll and extra footage of nothingness that I was able to re-adjust other scenes and edit them properly. Also the American version has a godawful theme song created that plays in the opening and ending credits and ruins the entire mood of the film that I did not include. The lyrics actually spoil the entire films twist right from the beginning of the movie. Now you're probably asking why didn't I just use the American DVD (because it looks like garbage), but I did use the audio track from that to sync to the French DVD master, now that version has certain scenes of Jean Louis speaking his English lines in French (usually close up shots), so occasionally there are very brief bad dubbing lip movements that were out of my hands. It just adds to the grindhouse feel of the film though. Almost every scene was readjusted in this fanfix, there was lots of unintentional awkward pauses from having too much lead (especially durning covnersations). I removed the cop subplot because it was nothing but filler to pad the runtime out, the film is now just about the hitman and trying to solve the mystery of who is behind the hit and the other principle players involved.

Other Sources:

French DVD (open matted) cropped to 1.66 American on Demand MGM DVD-R (for english audio)

Special Thanks:

Barbie: Miss Andry Cut
Crimson Maul's - The Last of Us Part 2
The War of the Stars: A New Hope Grindhoused
The Thing from 1951
The Matrix DeZIONized
Chicken Little and the War of the Worlds
Robots VS Kung Fu: The Matrix Grindhouse Edition
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back [Despecialized]