Faneditor: BionicBob   Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2012 Fanedit Runtime: 1h:14m:0s Time Cut: 0h:3m:0s Time Added: 0h:37m:0s Genre: Action • Adventure • Drama • Sci-Fi • Superheroes Original Title: The Six Million Dollar Man (TV series)(1974)    Original Release Date: 1st January 1974 Original Runtime: 0h:44m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: Source: DVD Resolution: Sound Mix: Language: Subtitles:  
This fanedit reconstructs its namesake in favor of a more fitting origin. BionicBob has Retro-con Steve Austin’s bionic origin so it fits better with the television continuity.
Retro-con Steve Austin’s bionic origin so it fits better with the television continuity. My absolute favorite hero of my childhood was THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN. For me, it was a comic book come to life before my very young eyes. Each week I would watch Colonel Steve Austin do battle with spys, evil masterminds, robots, aliens and even a bionic sasquatch! It is in my mind, one of the greatest adventure televisions shows of all time. It would be years later that I would finally watch the original trilogy of tv movies that inspired the regular series. To my surprise, there were many discrepancies and outright contradictions between the movies and the series proper. The main ones being no Oscar Goldman, different actor playing Dr. Rudy Wells, Steve as a civilian test pilot and how Steve was written (as a bionic James Bond) in the second and third movies.
Change List:
–New Opening Titles –added 4 flashbacks using footage from the tv movies and episodes –reorder a couple of scenes –cut Oliver Sempler –cut Martin Balsam as Rudy Wells –removed references to Steve as a civilian pilot –added bionic sound effects –added additional music by original series composer Oliver Nelson