Star Wars - Episode III: Fall of the Republic

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Star Wars - Episode III: Fall of the Republic

Faneditor: Slumberland  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2007
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:8m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:12m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2005
Original Runtime: 2h:20m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


This fan edit of George Lucas’s second Star Wars prequel subtly trims conversations and actions. A lot of babbling has been removed.


This fan edit of George Lucas’s third and final Star Wars prequel offers a streamlined take on Anakin Skywalker’s fall from grace, and the subsequent birth of Darth Vader. Notable changes include an abridged rescue of the Chancellor aboard General Grievous’s ship, edits to all scenes involving Anakin and Padme including the complete excision of their balcony scene, the removal of redundant or unnecessary dialogue in an effort to increase momentum, and the jettisoning of the medical droid’s ’will to live’ explanation. Few scenes have been left untouched.

Change List:

Additional Notes:

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Special thanks to the crew at, Rikter, and especially my friends for their interest in the project. And to my dad for instilling in me a frighteningly single-minded love for Star Wars.

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