Transformers: Resparked

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Transformers: Resparked

Faneditor: Reave  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st March 2008
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:12m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:12m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Transformers
Genre: ActionAdventureSci-Fi
Original Title: Transformers (2007)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2007
Original Runtime: 2h:24m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


Removes most of the over the top, silly sequences and dialogue of the film, and tightens the story up overall.


At the time I was fully entrenched in and seeing the possibilities of editing films that had a good intention, but had some bad humor/dialogue/action intended to sell the movie to a wider (dumber) demographic. While sitting in the theater my mind instantly started seeing what could be cut and moved around to make it better, and I knew I had to do it for myself, to be able to enjoy the movie on repeat viewings. I didn't cut all of the humor out, as some people like it, and I had software and hardware restrictions at the time I created this. There will be a second, more intense cut following this one.

Change List:

Trimmed end of soldiers talking. no more “what’s your favorite day or whatever. Cut Lennox talking to his wife and kid (fart joke). Cut first time Epps looks at Blackout with binoculars, it’s a little ludicrous to think that he would sit there so long and look at him twice. Cut out spitwad scene. Tightened up classroom scene. Cut out second naval tool innuendo “joke/laughing/”stop sign”. Cut “the compass makes a great gift for columbus day”. Cut “the man in the green car”. Cut Sam from “alright Mojo, i’ve got the car, now I need the girl” all the way to parents introduction. No more mirror/zit scene, ebay scene, mojo crack addict scene, etc. Cut Mikaela’s boyfriend saying “allright guys, I know of a party, let’s head” Cut Mikaela’s boyfriend saying “this is not a toy, these 22?s, i don’t want you grinding them” Cut Mikaela’s boyfriend saying “you’ll call me.” Cut large part of Mikaela and Sam talking in the car (big arms, etc.) Cut Sam saying “I like to go fast” (creepy!). Cut the President saying “yeah, could you wrangle me up some ding-dongs?”. Bush is dumb jokes are so 2004. Cut some of Frenzy’s goofiness in elevator. Cut “join the air force, bring the president ding dongs”….etc. Cut Frenzy saying “uh-oh.” Cut “should I be? Yes you should! etc….” These people are supposed to be “the top of their class”. Cut some more Frenzy “wackiness, and Frenzy saying “Witwicky!” Cut frenzy’s slapstick walk through tons of govt. agents. Cut lots of Frenzy “wackiness” inside Barricade. Shortened Barricade sitting next to air force one…..waiting…..for….? Cut Maggie saying “there is nothing on earth that complex" (obvious). Cut Maggie saying “what about an organism?…………..dna based computer, and I-I-I-I-I know that sounds crazy…” Cut Sams dad saying “you know, little chihuaha”. Cut some of the indian phone guy (trimmed pause at start, cut “i’m going to ask you to speak….). True story, but a little bit stretched out. Cut “you got 10 back pockets! left check, left check left cheek!” Cut second phone guy/”no i don’t want a premium package!” Cut Epps saying “bring the rain” , shifted audio to cut mouth movement. I’ve talked to several people I know from the military, and they all told me the would never talk like that on the radio. Trimmed (panasonic) memory card commercial. Made Maggie stealing the card a little less freaking obvious. Cut Maggie saying “there’s only one hacker in the world who can decode this signal”. rearranged video to cut this scene. Cut dance-dance revolution scene. More useless filler. Cut Glen saying “let me work my magic.” Cut Glen’s grandma saying “are you playin them video games again, making moment of door being kicked in more dramatic. Cut news report in Sam’s room. too much info for the network news to have on the base attack. Cut Sam calling Miles and telling him that “satan’s camaro is stalking him”. Ha-ha. Cut out a few frames of Sam flipping his bike over. The editing was poor, and if you looked at it, they were repeating footage, making it seem like he was in the air too long. Cut several seconds of Sam making small talk with Mikaela after falling off bike (while being chased by his car… that was driving itself…and had turned into a robot the previous night). Cut several seconds of Sam’s hesitation to get the f#*k away from a car that just turned into a giant f@%king evil robot…. Trimmed “this must be a bad dream” along with a few frames of transition from Sam on roof of car to Barricade slamming his fist down. Trimmed a few frames of Barricade’s two swings at Sam (he’s a lightning fast ninja when fighting Bumblebee, but a lumbering hulk when trying to swat a human?). I also trimmed it to again make Sam look as if he is trying to get away from a GIANT F#@KING ROBOT! Cut “the car won’t start. at least we ditched the monster, right?” keeps the tension in the car higher. Trimmed Bumblebee’s “engine trouble”. He starts himself up and punches it at the right moment. Sam is surprised. Trimmed Mikaela lingering and staring at the sawzall (there is a freaked out robot attacking her boyfriend after all). Cut out Frenzy’s Looney Tunes running in place/some silly noises during fight with Sam. Cut Sam saying “not so tough without a head, are you?”, trimmed transition. Left Wilhelm scream! Cut frenzy shaking his head and saying ‘ooooh” to Mikaela’s purse. Cut “it’s probably Japanese, yeah, definitely Japanese” Trimmed Sam and Mikaela drooling over Bumblebee’s interior/Bumblebee taking his time sitting in traffic inside a tunnel (while in “disguise”). Cut “excuse me? are you the tooth fairy?"(barf) Cut “what’s crackin little bitches?” Cut the second (Sam’s) Ebay plug. Slightly trimmed “Scorponoks tail” scene, making it a little more of a suprise. Cut “the donut scene”. Cut kid cutting in on female reporter. Cut the Masturbation scene. Cut Sam and his parents being dragged outside (you touch my dog….don’t talk to anyone until we have a lawyer…etc.).

Additional Notes:

Hardware and software information: (Software) DVD Decrypter, Womble, TMPGEnc, DVDFab Decrypter, Adobe Photoshop and DVD-Lab Pro. (Hardware) Pentium D 2.6Ghz Dual core processor, Sony DRU-710A, 2 GB ram. Additional Comment: This is the first, “soft” cut, with a “hard” cut and a G1 (Generation One) cut to follow in order. Time needed for the edition: Planning: 3 months. Editing: 4 months, on and off. Creating DVD:2 weeks. Yeah, 7 1/2 months. I’m an obsessive compulsive perfectionist. Sue me. Persons involved: 1 (plus some excellent help from a few members who are in the “Thank you” list in the DVD menu credits.

Other Sources:

I used some sounds from the original animated series for various sound effects.

Special Thanks:

ADM Boon23 Dark Jedi Hal9000 Tranzor Regular Thanks: Abe_the_Man, Adywan, Anti-Matter, Aztek463, beckmen, Bob, Boomstick, Brimley, darkhelmet, Ell the Ewok, FanFiltration, guitarfan01, InvisibleWolfMan, JHammondC, joebshmoe, Johnny Ringo, kaine23, lordjedi, mandark, marioxb, Marvolo, messenjah14, OBtwosy, Owen-Lars-Kenobi, ReverendBeastly, Rikter, SS4DarthPayne, tweaker, Wesyeed & Zarius.

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