Die Hard 2: Terror Storm

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Die Hard 2: Terror Storm

Faneditor: Elbarto1  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2009
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:47m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:17m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Die Hard
Genre: ActionAdventureThriller
Original Title: Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1990
Original Runtime: 2h:4m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 15
Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


This edit trims the fat to tighten up the dialog and remove silly over-the-top moments that hurt the film. The most noticeable change is the complete removal of the Dick Thornberg reporter character from the film.


I have always enjoyed this film but it was my least favorite of the original trilogy. This edit trims the fat to tighten up the dialog and remove silly over-the-top moments that hurt the film. The most noticeable change is the complete removal of the Dick Thornberg reporter character from the film. Otherwise its just minor tweaks throughout to bring the film more in line with the other entries in the series (mainly 1 and 3).

Change List:

The Changes: !!!-Includes Spoilers-!!! Intro credits altered to include subtitle “Terror Storm” Removed close up of exploding hairspray can in baggage shootout Removed McClane line(s) “what is this, a tag team?” “…on its way to cleveland” Removed all Dick Thornberg scenes Tightened up control tower dialog Removed McClane line(s) “…this is just the beginning” “how can the same thing happen to the same guy twice” Removed Barnes line “…who will watch yours” Removed Robert Patrick hesitation to kill barnes (its like he waiting for McClane to shoot him???) Tone down Annex Skywalk shootout – removed McClanes lack of cover usage and toned down his magical never-ending clip of 9mm bullets Removed thug line “I’m gonna kick your ass” Added scene of crowds rioting/panicking in airport after first plane crash. Now we get the impression the civilians are fearful from all the explosions/shooting/etc going on at the airport Toned down Esperanza’s plane coming at McClane while he is coming out of storm grate – now we get the implication that the plane is moving faster and might actually hit him rather than the “slow tire” coming at him at 30 mi/hr. Toned down/sped up grenades in cockpit scene. in the original the grenades take almost 30 seconds to explode. Now McClane immediately gets in the chair and ejects this way the scene plays out more realistically IMO… even though the grenades still take too long (15 seconds). Removed McClane line “wheres the fuckin door” when he is tangled in parachute Removed close-ups of mercs swapping their red “live ammo” for blue “blanks”. this was way too obvious and its show again when McClane discovers it. Now we discover it around the same time as McClane. Remove McClane jumping 18 wheeler on Snow Mobile – why was this even filmed? its like a 2 second clip and arent they are out in the woods??? Removed Major Grant talking to Col. Stuart on radio “check your own fuckin plane” Removed Thornberg Newscast/Tazer Shock/Etc. End Credits altered to include me :smile: and add “terror storm” subtitle

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Special thanks to Boon23, Lewis886 & JasonN for answering my never ending editing/authoring questions!

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