James Bond 007: ABC’s OHMSS

Updated: 27th April 2024

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James Bond 007: ABC’s OHMSS

Faneditor: Blofelds Cat  
Fanedit Type: Preservation
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2006
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:22m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:5m:0s
Franchise: James Bond
Genre: ActionAdventureThriller
Original Title: James Bond: On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1976
Original Runtime: 2h:17m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


Using a videotape recording of the original 1976 two-part broadcast as a reference source, the ABC OHMSS Preservation Fanedit is a shot-for-shot reproduction of the ABC broadcast which faithfully reproduces all transitions (wipes and dissolves), edit points, censored scenes and/or dialogue.


To preserve the first and only professionally-produced ‘re-imagining’ of a James Bond film which has been screened to millions via broadcast television. Using a videotape recording of the original 1976 two-part broadcast as a reference source, the ABC OHMSS Preservation Fanedit is a shot-for-shot reproduction of the ABC broadcast which faithfully reproduces all transitions (wipes and dissolves), edit points, censored scenes and/or dialogue; includes all passages of narration by the ersatz OO7; and also reproduces the ABC ‘teaser’ for Part 2 (which appears at the end of Part 1) and the recap of Part 1 (which appears at the beginning of Part 2), including the linking narration by OO7. The ABC version was screened a second, and final time, in 1980. Urban myth suggests that then-Producer, Albert R. Broccoli, saw the 1980 broadcast and was so incensed by it that he ordered the ABC cut destroyed.

Change List:

ABC substantially re-edited the narrative of OHMSS to the point that its structure, for the first half of the ABC version, bears little resemblance to the theatrical version. The ABC version commenced with a scene from the middle of the theatrical version version and presently ‘flashed-back’ to a scene from the beginning, and then flashed-forward once more to the middle; this pattern continued until OO7?s arrival at Piz Gloria at which point the narrative of the ABC version ran in line with the theatrical version (repeating scenes of Bond’s ski escape and the stock car sequence already seen in part 1). Because the first half of the ABC edit resulted in a severely disjointed storyflow, ABC added narration, supposedly the voice of James Bond recounting the adventure, which explained-away the flashbacks. ABC removed and partially edited some scenes to remove or tone down violence, sexual innuendo or graphic sexual portrayals. The opening scenes from the theatrical version i.e. the Universal Exports sign and the scene between M and Q, is removed entirely.

Additional Notes:

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

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