Certificate: 12A Source: Digital Resolution: Sound Mix: Language: Subtitles:    
What If Bruce Banner had not left Earth? What if Black Widow still helped me while he fled from the military? What if the super soldier serum and the serum used to create the Abomination were connected? What if Tony Stark took the death of Charlie Spencer too much to heart? What if the events of Civil War still occured throughout all of this? Follow the unfolding story. of an alternate universe both strange, yet familiar.
The idea would be to only use about 15% or 20% of Civil War footage, with the rest of the movie being incredible Hulk. The motivations are that the army are trying to recruit Banner for Tony's team to go after Steve Rogers and his own team per Black Widow's suggestion (when Tony suggests if there's "any shot" of getting him on the team to her), and we follow Banner's adventures. In this alternate universe, Banner never left Earth and reconnects with old flame Betty Ross.