Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Dramatic Cut

Updated: 29th April 2024

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Dramatic Cut

Faneditor: INIGHTMARES  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:8m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:6m:0s
Franchise: Godzilla
Genre: ActionDramaThriller
Original Title: Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2019
Original Runtime: 2h:12m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


This edit began with a need to cut all the jokes that ruined the tension of the action, and the pacing of the dialogue. Underneath all those bad jokes was a strong and intense film, so those jokes and attempts at humor were cut. And added deleted scenes were put in to ehance the dramatic feel.


This edit's four goals at its inception: I: Cut the bad jokes. Why? They ruined the tension. This is called The Dramatic Cut for a reason.? II: Cut certain shots and lines that help the audience sympathize with the character of Emma. Why? She is a bad person responsible for untold catastrophes around the world who should naturally be less likable. By cutting some of her content and adding in subtle music clips in some shots, a slightly altered version of Emma is presented by the end of this Fanedit. Scenes of her being regretful were left in this edit because she is a dynamic character with feelings.? III: Cut shots and lines of specific exposition. Why? Because it was over-explanation that detracted from the rest of the already clearly understandable plot line. Examples of this: shots and lines of dialogue were removed from the Monarch Senate Hearings scene. Certain shots and dialogue of Emma over-explaining the worldwide kaiju threat were cut. Certain lines of dialogue from Mark over-explaining the Orca were cut. Many more similar edits were made throughout the film.? IV: Besides goals I-III, stay as true to the original cut as possible. Why? Because the original cut has many great kaiju action scenes, and decent overall pacing to begin with.?

Change List:

Timestamps below are from theatrical cut. -I cut all the jokes except for a select couple. -Kitchen scene: major scene cuts that made new audio foley necessary. -Cut shots of Mark acting weird listening to wolves (13:45sec) -Cut jokes at Monarch hearing (13:05sec) -Cut Mark reactions shots (14:54sec) -Deleted joke at (15:03sec) -Cut out smoke shot (18:00sec) -Cut Emma talking to Madison (22:12sec) -Cut elevator joke (23:04) -Cut dialogue (27:18sec) -Cut joke (27:35sec) -Cut joke (29:33sec) -Scene change with overlapping audio (31:08sec) -Cut line about running (35:49sec) -Cut shot of Emma looking sad (35:54sec) -Cut partial dialogue of Madison talking about Mark (37:07sec) -Add deleted scene - Mark dreams of son's birthday (45:20sec) -Cut Emma shot (48:01sec) -Cut to word "but" in Emma's speech to truncate it (48:07sec) -Cut Emma's speech from ".. Earth's natural defense system.." part to " ..unless we restore balance.." (49:20sec) - Cut all the rhetorical exposition (50:07sec) and cut to reaction shot (50:10sec) -Cut joke (55:48sec) -Cut joke (1:00:52sec) -Added Godzilla sound effect (1:03:11sec) -Cut shot (1:03:37sec) -Added deleted scene - Madison using radio to contact survivors (1:10:19sec) -Cut joke (1:12:04sec) -Cut joke (1:12:21sec) -Cut exposition and overlap audio for transition (1:14:40sec) -Cut joke (1:17:14sec) -Cut joke (1:17:46sec) -Cut joke (1:18:42sec) -Cut joke (1:18:47sec) -Cut joke (1:21:01sec) -Cut joke (1:23:30sec) -Cut joke (1:26:48sec) -Cut joke (1:27:28sec) -Cut joke (1:38:19sec) -Cut joke (1:38:25sec) -Cut joke (1:43:53sec) -Cut joke (1:44:13sec) -Cut "funny" arguing (1:47:26sec) -Cut look of Madison being happy (1:53:24sec) -Cut partial look of Madison being happy again (1:53:44sec) -Cut Emma kissing Madison (1:54:12sec) -Cut Emma smile and one-liner (1:57:02sec) -Cut joke (1:59:21sec) -Cut smile (2:00:20sec) Cuts from August 2021: -Completely rework introduction credits scene with Godzilla (2014) blended with shots from the opening of Godzilla: KOTM (2019) -(52:25) around this fix the double used shot over shoulder -(37:00) around this fix clipping on helicopter -Cut Emma crying madi at (1:26:51) -Cut emma saying "i have to fix this"(1:36:00) -Cut "we both want to save the planet.."(50:24) -Cut Alan saying "told them your whole plan" (49:49) -Cut Madi's smile to see Godzilla in Boston Completed Changes and Fixes from September 2021: -cut line: "I record everything..." (around 1hr.16min.) -Cut/Re-align shots when Alan exclaims "We don't have time for this" -Cut line: "I have to fix this." by Emma when leaving to find Madison Cuts from December 2021: -23:43 - remove line "deep breaths eyes straight..." -1:05:00 - remove Madi line "you're a monster" -1:23:25 - cut line "all the legends, the stories, they're true!" -1:26:35 -cut short action scene - cut to fenway park shot (1:27:09) -1:35:04 -"Are you ok?" cut line -1:45:33 -"he's gonna reach critical mass, in 6 minutes" - cut "6 minutes" out

Additional Notes:

As I got deeper into the editing of this film I realized a scene would work with a music track. I worked hard to blend it back and forth with that of the film's at this point. In a scene towards the end with Emma, I use parts of this same music track to try and emphasize the hopelessness of the moment. After that, I used a remixed version of the song over part of the end titles. It fleshes out the use of the track I hope. This music track is not overused. I intended for it to be understated after it’s initial use. I also wove parts of the deleted scenes into the edit. These include a flashback of Mark with his son during a birthday party and that of Madison using a radio.

Other Sources:

Halo Jump from Godzilla (2014) "Hacking/Cutting" by Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow "Third Street" by Ryan Taubert "Why So Serious" by Hanz Zimmer "Why So Serious" remixed by The Crystal Method "The Woods" by Lorn (Additional audio and video credits at the end of the fanedit itself)

Special Thanks:

A massively huge and Godzilla sized special thanks to ArtisDead and Wraith for all the help and time they put into this. They helped in so many ways from cuts to the film, to guidance on the artwork and logos and the whole submission process. They went above and beyond helping me out. The fanedit itself is now much better off with their help and input. Thank you ArtisDead & Wraith, you are both saints in my book.

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