Events triggered by Jason Bourne ripple through the rest of the world, as consequences are shown through another agent of a classified program, Aaron Cross. A film that spends too much time trying to wrap up the previous entry in Act I, and not enough time with our new hero. A Burnt Outcome tries to cut down the opening 15 minutes of the film, while carefully trimming a few over the top action elements, and adds back 3 new deleted scenes to advance the plot and improve the characters.
Watching the film, the opening really dragged for me as I couldn't quite tell what to expect from the film as it overlapped with the previous film, and didn't seem to do much for me. After watching the deleted scenes, I loved them and was wondering why the hell they'd be cut. I didn't think I'd do a straight extended cut, but wanted to tackle the film and cut a few other things, mainly the opening, the travelling to Manilla and a few of the bike chase action beats, just to move things along quickly.
Change List:
- cut Cross messing around with fire and wolves - cut Byer's intro jogging in the rain, we now meet him in the midst of trying to clean up the Bourne mess - trim Cross packing up his bag at the mountain peak - cut Cross shooting his rifle randomly near the peak - cut more of Cross shooting his rifle and taking a pill or two - cut the bald headed scientist asking Marta about cortex somethings - trim the Outcome Agent physical checkup - cut the super-human snow-mountain jumping from Cross - cut reference to Youtube, canonically this is set in 2004 (made in 2012) so it wouldn't even be a thing yet - trim the discussion about burning the Outcome program to the ground - cut more of Cross firing his rifle into the air at his campsite - added deleted scene of Byer and the crisis team discussing the Outcome agents and their lives - added deleted scene of Cross on his way to Marta's, and being stopped by a cop - added deleted scene of Dr Hirsh trying to contact his daughter - cut Cross and Marta in the airport food court - cut the plane boarding with Cross and Marta - trim the arrival in Manilla and the airport customs - cut the not-Treadstone agent taking out the cop on the bike - cut Cross doing that grind thing on the motorbike.
Additional Notes:
Other Sources:
The Bourne Legacy (Official Soundtrack by James Newton Howard)
Special Thanks:
Bailey for previewing the edit before release.