Apollo 13: The Super 8 Cut

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Apollo 13: The Super 8 Cut

Faneditor: Rogue-Thex  
Fanedit Type: Shorts
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2012
Fanedit Runtime: 0h:17m:0s
Time Cut: 2h:2m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: Adventure
Original Title: Apollo 13 (1995)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1995
Original Runtime: 2h:19m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


Apollo 13: it’s one of my very favorite films ever, it’s simply fantastic! So why edit the movie? Because i really wanted to see a super 8 cut of it and thought that if super 8 digests were still being made than an Apollo 13 digest would likely exist, and I think it would have looked something like this single reel edit.


To edit the film down to one good single reel super 8 digest.

Change List:

1. Created simple opening and end credit sequences. 2. Old film look/sound added. 3. Removed many plot points and characters in order to reach the desired run time. 4. Used music from the end credits to re-score some parts of the movie, and replaced sound effects during such parts. 5. Carefully re-framed the image from the 2.35:1 AR to 16×9. 6. Experimented with a new camera/projector/print wobble effect by using a De-shaking tool in an unconventional way, only during scenes that could benefit from such an effect. 7. 3:09; added zoom in effect to shot of marilyn lovell in order to add extra focus to her emotions, it wasn't necessary but with the shorter run time i though it might help since we see very little of her at the start of this version. I also added a zoom out effect to the shot directly after (the rocket going through the clouds) to complement the previous effect. 8. 4:30; added comm transmission filter to the flight control guy`s dialog. 9. 9:53; added shots from the night before launch scene to illustrate that Marilyn was in Jim's thoughts.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

This edit was inspired by the super 8 star wars telecine transfers done by Puggo, and by super 8 digests uploaded to youtube by GhostHost1969, Thank you: 3rdman, BionicBob, Captain Khajiit, Dwight Fry, Gatos, GhostHost1969, Kal-El, Leeroy, L8wrtr, Puggo, QuickCut and everyone at fanedit.org, originaltrilogy.com and 8mmforum.film-tech.com.

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