The Batman Unmasked

Updated: 14th October 2024

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The Batman Unmasked

Faneditor: Gibichung  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:32m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:24m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Batman
Genre: ActionFilm-NoirMysterySuperheroesThriller
Original Title: Batman: The Batman (2022)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2022
Original Runtime: 2h:56m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


At 2 hours and 32 minutes, "The Batman Unmasked" doesn't redefine the original source but delivers a leaner thriller while maintaining the essential mood and story.


I first want to say that I loved the theatrical experience of this movie, and I wanted it to be longer if that was any way possible. Much thanks to Matt Reeves and co. for truly bringing forth detective-noir sensibilities to the Batman-movie mythos. After rewatching it a few times, I felt that there was a shorter version in there that makes sense and without sacrificing the tone of what the story is about. I went ahead and gave it a go, and I was able to edit the film down to 2 hours and 32 minutes, the same runtime as The Dark Knight (2008), to serve better pacing.

Change List:

1. Warner Bros logo replaced with the 70's variant that shows up at the beginning of Joker (2019). This movie has a pulpy, 70's vibe to it in the same vein as The Conversation (1974) and Taxi Driver (1976) so I thought it was fitting. 2. Removed binoculars/voyeurism Riddler scene. 3. Removed the fight scene at the train station. It's one of the first darlings I had to kill. As great as it is, the scene doesn't really add to the story or mood at all. I watched the Dolby interviews with Matt Reeves and it seems like they were going to remove it anyway but the reaction from the Fandome trailer was so overwhelming that they decided to keep it for continuity of it's tagline "I'm Vengeance". I went ahead and removed it for two reasons: A. Others call him Vengeance throughout the movie so it's known, and it doesn't need to be said here. B. Thugs being unafraid of Batman goes against the two previous instances where criminals are terrified of even looking at a dark alley. I understand that not all of Gotham feels the same way about Batman, but I want to maintain that mystique and fear at the start before going into detective mode as he arrives to Mayor Mitchell's murder scene- which I believe better suits Batman as a first impression. 4. Removed interaction with Officer Martinez. This is Batman in Year 2, and unless that officer is a rookie, it doesn't make sense that he would harass Batman while he's side by side with Gordon (him being a rookie doesn't matter either). Everyone else's body language and Commissioner Savage's entrance makes it obvious that not everyone in the police force feels the same as Gordon about Batman. Easy removal. 5. Removed scene with Selina inside the Taxi. We don't need to see the phone call inside the taxi. We already infer she's involved with Annika, and we already know from the previous shot that Bruce as the Drifter is following her. I also shortened the POV scene of Bruce with the binoculars surveying Selina's apartment. 6. Removed scene of Batman putting his gadget contact lens on Selina. It's a touching scene, but I think we get all the same information about Selina and Batman during the actual spying scenario (as she talks to herself/Batman through the device). I felt it was best to go straight into Selina in the club. 7. Shortened Riddler abducting DA Colson. I understand it's drawn out for a reason, but it doesn't hurt to edit down just a tad. 8. Removed short jumpscare at the orphanage. I loved that horror element, but I took it out for the sake of pacing. Without it, I think it's a better transition from Penguin's interrogation to the revelation of Riddler's hit on Bruce. Also, as someone pointed out in the fanedit community, removing the Drophead jumpscare in its entirety makes more sense than Batman finding out about this nest of addiction and not doing anything about it for the rest of the movie. 9. Shortened down shirtless Bruce being emo around Wayne Manor. Don't worry, I didn't edit out too much of that. 10. Took out entire scene of Bruce unlocking and discovering his parent's bedroom. I understand that it adds background, but for the sake of tone and story, it doesn't need to be in the movie. Everything we know about Thomas Wayne is conveyed through Falcone's and Alfred's confessions- both I kept in their entirety. 11. Shortened down Riddler's arrest. I don't think we need to see that espresso mug. We get it. It's the Riddler. 12. Removed Riddler and Joker scene in Arkham. 13. I made a big change on this film's denouement- the wrap of the story. First, I replaced the monologue song with a different song from the soundtrack. I like "Something in the Way" as a needle-drop and I understand why they wanted to bookend the movie this way. But I felt that a different song, an orchestral piece, better serves the ending. I combined Bruce's monologue together with his farewell to Selina. I think it works and really serves the story combining those two elements into a singular, final movement.

Other Sources:

"Kiss From a Rose" by Seal "The Batman Theme.

Special Thanks:

Epic Version" (feat. 1989 x The Dark Knight Theme) by Samuel Kim.

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