Sonic the Hedgehog DX

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Sonic the Hedgehog DX

Faneditor: Octoroxx  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:34m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:5m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Sonic the Hedgehog
Genre: Adventure
Original Title: Sonic The Hedgehog (2020)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2020
Original Runtime: 1h:39m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


This is a relatively light edit of "Sonic the Hedgehog" that trims some of the humor that didn't land for me and replaces some of the pop music with music from the video game series where appropriate. I hope fans of the movie and game series enjoy this!


As a longtime Sonic fan, I enjoyed the "Sonic the Hedgehog" movie well enough. However, I felt some poorly placed, forced and/or dated jokes dragged things down a bit. By trimming some of the humor that didn't land for me, I hoped to bring out the film's strengths and give the jokes that did land some more breathing room. At the same time, I felt it would be fun to add some of the excellent music from the video game series, since there were a few sequences where it seemed like a natural fit.

Change List:

-Cut opening “I bet you’re wondering how I got here?” framing device. -Rescored opening narration on Sonic’s home planet with Green Hill Zone orchestral theme from the Sonic 30th anniversary symphony. -Trimmed Rihanna joke and Wade’s reaction. -Trimmed Wade’s incompetent antics after the power goes out. -Cut “Azerbaijanistan” joke. -Slightly trimmed “search history” joke and the officer’s reaction. -Cut Sonic talking about “lightning shooting out of his butt” -Cut joke about Wade “not having much (mind) to lose” -Cut Olive Garden joke during Tom and Maddie’s phone conversation. -Cut Rachel’s “D-I-V-O-R-C-E” quip. -Cut Tom saying “You can talk!” when he spots Sonic outside the cage. -Trimmed out Robotnik’s “jug band” antics. -Cut interaction between Robotnik and Wade. -Cut Sonic’s misinterpretation of the expression “kick the bucket” -Rescored the first “Quicksilver” scene in the biker bar with “Mirage Saloon Zone” from Sonic Mania -Cut Sonic’s quip about the next person entering the bathroom having “nothing to wipe with”. -Cut the first half of the motel room scene (including the fart joke), entering the scene when Sonic and Tom begin discussing the mushroom planet. -Cut Sonic calling Tom “the jerk lord”. -Trimmed the scene of Sonic flossing. He still does, but it’s less emphasized. -Trimmed Sonic’s “Fast & Furious” joke. -Cut dated joke about Hillary Clinton’s emails. -Rescored Robotnik’s villain dance with E.G.G.M.A.N. from Sonic Adventure 2. -Trimmed out Rachel saying she has to go to the bathroom. -Cut Rachel trying to convince Maddie to leave Tom while tied up with jump-rope. -Cut Tom telling the receptionist he came all the way from Montana because “that’s how serious it is.” -Significantly trimmed sequence of Sonic in the gym bag while Tom and Maddie are waiting for the elevator. -Cut Sonic’s quip about “a jar of pickled farts”. -Cut Robotnik’s line about clam chowder. -Rescored and retimed the second “Quicksilver” sequence to Stardust Speedway Zone from Sonic Mania. -Rescored Sonic and Robotnik’s chase through San Francisco with “Escape from the City (Cash Cash Remix)” from Sonic Generations. -Removed callback to the framing device, since it was removed. -Cut Robotnik’s inappropriately timed joke about “keeping the body fresh”. -Trimmed Olive Garden gift card joke. Now it plays more as a joke about the inadequacy of the gift rather than an advertisement for Olive Garden. -Trimmed out Sonic flossing (again).

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Sonic Mania Official Soundtrack Sonic 30th Anniversary Symphony Sonic the Hedgehog Passion and Pride: Anthems with Attitude from the Sonic Adventure era Sonic the Hedgehog Non-Stop Music Selection: Volume I

Special Thanks:

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