Blood & Marie

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Blood & Marie

Faneditor: Mollo  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2008
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:39m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:11m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: Comedy
Original Title: Innocent Blood (1992)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1992
Original Runtime: 1h:50m:0s
Original Links:

Sound Mix:


This is a FanEdit of Innocent Blood directed by John Landis. A Beautiful French Vampire takes on the Pittsburgh Italian mob in this Gory Horror Comedy!


What I have tried to do with this FanEdit is make a less sprawling and more focused version of Innocent blood. The film drags in places and there is some odd continuity. Also there are some harsh cuts that have been ironed out. The beginning has been changed and the ending has a new cold-blooded twist! I hope I have made a more succinct film but I will let you be the judge of that.

Change List:

Contains Spoilers With the cuts and additions listed below, I have tried to make the character of Marie more mysterious, cold and manipulatory. Gennaro as less of an idiot. 1. New: Opening Title Music and partial credits 2. Cut: Opening scene of Marie naked in her apartment 3. Cut: Removed Marie’s Narration completely 4. Cut: Tony’s line “Somebody ain’t getting up!” 5. Cut: Marie’s line “Gee I’m sorry, don’t hurt me! Ok?” after she is nearly his by Tony’s Car 6. Cut: Marie’s line “You can really move for someone so big!” 7. Cut: U.S. Attorney Sinclair line “No, you are not in trouble, Gennaro!” 8. Cut: Scene with Marie at Newspaper stand 9. Cut: Gennaro’s line “After a while my wife thought I was a freak too!” and “She left you didn’t she?” 10. Cut: Some of Marie’s POV as she flies around inside the church 11. Cut: Gennaro using the dog to chase Marie 12. Cut: The scene where Marie attacks and threatens Gennaro on the roof 13. Cut: All reaction shots by the forensic Officer as Sallie once dead now alive runs by the press 14. Cut: The the lame gag “That’s my car!” 15. Cut: Sallie’s line “It must have healed!” 16. Cut: Expository scene with Marie and Gennaro inside wreaked car driving 17. Cut: Gennaro’s expository explanation to his police buddies 18. Cut: Music when the mob try to put Gennaro in a dumpster and some shots and dialogue 19. Cut: Pistol flying to Gennaro’s side at the right moment 20. Cut: Gennaro calling out “I want him alive!” as Marie shoots at Sallie 21. Cut: Some bloke watching the action so he can later say “Son of a bitch!” 22. Cut: “Ohhh…Ahhh…He shot me in the fucking foot….ahhhh…ohhhhh!” 23. Cut: Scene inside the car during chase when Marie explains that Sallie is a cold blooded killer and she is not. (Really bad scene ….egh!) 24. Cut: U.S. Attorney Sinclair talking to Manny as if he is coherent when he appears barely alive 25. Cut: Gennaro’s line “Having a problem with that deep down clean?” 26. Cut: Gennaro semi fondling of Marie while she is asleep 27. Cut: Face touching and finger kissing in the car between Gennaro and Marie while they look for Sallie 28. Cut: The two cops doing a “Three Stooges” number before they bust in on Sallie at the strip club 29. Cut: Gennaro’s mugging reaction at Marie breaking open a strip club door 30. Cut: Gennaro’s mugging and line “Some Girl!” after Marie hits a guy with a baseball bat 31. Cut: Some shots of Marie with glowing eyes as they appear cross-eyed 32. Cut: Gennaro’s “NO!” before he blows away his cop friend 33. Cut: Gennaro chasing after Marie and booking into a hotel with her 34. Cut: Credit Picture Montage 35. New: Ending with a twist! 36. New: End Credit Music and Partial Credits Some scenes were moved to different locations for improved narrative flow and many more small cuts were made that are not listed. Notes on New Sound New Opening Theme by Carter Burwell (I was aiming at a nod to The Blues Brothers). The first issue to deal with was eradicating Marie’s narration, which at some points was over dialogue, score and sound effects. With the first meeting of Marie and Gennaro in the street; I tried to show that Marie can hear Gennaro’s blood moving around inside his body. The main sound changes were made during the car chases and action sequences as I felt the existing score needed to be removed. It was impossible to use any of the original sound as it is plain stereo with the score firmly embedded with the sound effects and mickey-mousing the action . So from 56 mins to 61 mins approx. the sound design is entirely new; gunshots, car tire screeches, footsteps, car doors opening & closing, engine noise, neck breaks, bodies being hit by car, ricochet hits, breathing, body falls, freeway sounds, car horns, Sallie’s laugh and Sallie’s skin burning. I tied this together by using a score by Carter Burwell, which I hope adds to the drama of those sequences. All the neck breaks have been newly replaced to make them sound more brutal, sickening and bone snapping. The syncing of Marie hitting a man in the face with a baseball bat has been corrected and some bone breaking has been added. The final scene has a new score by Carter Burwell with new ambient sound and newspaper sound effects etc.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Thank you to boon23, AVP and ThrowgnCpr for your constant support and help. Also thank you to Akitsu for the advice and JokersMailBag for the keen eye.

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