Haunted by a tragedy that broke her world apart, Jessica Jones settles in Hell's Kitchen, New York City, and opens her own detective agency, called Alias Investigations. She discovers that the source her trauma, a mind-controlling sociopath named Kilgrave, has cheated death. She uses her abilities, super and otherwise to find him before he can hurt anyone else.
This rendition of Jessica Jones: The Complete First Season is intended to enhance the re-watching experience of the show and allow you to finish it in a single sitting. The original season is nearly a masterpiece, but filled with a lot side-plots that eventually fold into the grander plan by the end of the season. This is meant to focus on the main conflict so that this underappreciated gem can join your MCU marathon.
Change List:
Footage cropped to 1920x800 for theatrical widescreen feel. Marvel Studios intro added, sourced from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Opening montage shows a slice of Jessica's life using Joan Jett's Bad Reputation (Song licensed for use in Jessica Jones: The Complete First Season Promo) 4 total shots throughout the edit have added Stark Tower. Every scene featured has had dialouge trimmed to either save time, add thematic subtelty, or to remove references to removed scenes. Narration from multiple removed scenes added back into featured scenes. Removed any suggestion that Luke doesn't want his past looked into. No longer a necessary plot-point. Jessica rummaging through Luke's medicine cabinet now happens after their first sex scene. Jessica's flashback to Reva now shows her punching Reva and removes strange transition. Removed all references to Hope's roomate. Removed all references to a favor owed to Hogarth. Removed all references to Andre's wife sleeping with Luke. Jessica simply arrives on a bar fight, revealing Luke's powers. Removed sufentanil as a plot point. Jessica simply pretends Trish is dead. Removed all mind-controlled people in the house after Jessica saves Simpson. Montage featuring Of Monster and Men's Thousand Eyes (Song licensed for Jessica Jones: The Complete First Season Trailer) to move plot forward through filler episodes. Graphic scene transition reused from promo. Kilgrave's face reveal moved to the scene he meets Ruben to build him up as a looming threat. Removed Jessica diving to rip Ruben's head off. Removed any reference to Jessica trying to get into Supermax. All footage of other children experimented on alongside Kilgrave removed. References to the D.A. wanting to finish Hope's trial removed. Jessica now convinces Detective Clemons to witness Kilgrave. Removed all references to the shock-button. Removed all references to Hogarth desiring Kilgrave's abilities. Jessica no longer shows up to Hogarth's house after Wendy's death. Jessica no longer arrives at the prison for Hope's release. She meets Kilgrave at Niku. Restructured scenes between fight with Simpson and Jessica getting a text from Kilgrave for pacing reasons. Jessica no longer arrives to Luke's bar exploding. She meets Kilgrave at his "testing arena." Luke now learns Jessica killed Reva while under Kilgrave's control. Opening credit sequence used as Mid-Credit sequence. "AKA Purple" added to ending title sequence. Episode 11 opening flashback used as post-credit scene.
Additional Notes:
Other Sources:
Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier Joan Jett - Bad Reputation (Song Officially Licensed for use in Jessica Jones: The Complete First Season) Of Monster and Men - Thousand Eyes (Song Officially Licensed for use in Jessica Jones: The Complete First Season).
Special Thanks:
Gemnyan (Test Viewing) TheCityHog (Reference for Stark Tower Shots).