Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Extended Edition

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Extended Edition

Faneditor: Sportsman  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2011
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:0m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:8m:0s
Genre: Comedy
Original Title: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2010
Original Runtime: 1h:52m:0s
Original Links:

Sound Mix:


Extended the film with certain deleted scenes and alternate takes. Film is approximately 7 and a half minutes longer. It’s not perfect, I am a first timer after all. I think the added scenes do benefit the film however.


Extended the film with certain deleted scenes and alternate takes. Film is approximately 7 and a half minutes longer. It’s not perfect, I am a first timer after all. I think the added scenes do benefit the film however.

Change List:

- The deleted Knives/Scott bus meeting. - The Knives leaving the house after the band plays deleted scene. - The extra shot showing Wallace and Scott’s things and who own which in the apartment. - The chick saying Ramona Flowers is “Not to be entered into lightly.” - Extended Ramona and Scott talking at the door when she delivers his package. - Extended Ramona/Scott date (1st version). - Deleted “morning after” scene of Scott and Ramona. - Extra Crash and the Boys song. - Crash’s drummer wishing Kim good luck. - Scott and Ramona back at her apartment after the Patel fight. - Extended talk about Ramona’s blue hair. - Couple extra shots before the Lucas Lee fight including Scott and Ramona talking about the movie and Wallace calling Ramona a slut for dating Lee. - Extended talk about Envy while Ramona and Scott are walking home after getting coffee. - Kim saying Neil and Knives will last even “brieflier” than her and Scott and 1st NegaScott scene at Lee’s palace. - Extended Clash at Demonhead Black Sheep performance. - Stephen asking what Envy’s ulterior motive is and Julie saying that she doesn’t need one. - Envy telling Ramona, “Crummy way to end things baby... I know.” - Todd telling Scott, “You’re going down…Vegan Style.” and the extended ending of the bass battle (unfortunately you can see some stunt wires here but I like the scene too much to cut it.) - Extended Pizza Pizza scene and 2nd NegaScott at the Afterparty club. - Extended “Ramona” song bus ride. - Scott’s monologue after he comes back from the dead. - Scott calling Gideon after getting killed the first time and telling him he’s gonna kill him.

Additional Notes:

Pros: Knives gets a more prominent opening in the film with a couple of bonus scenes at the start. A lot more exposition and relationship development between Scott and Ramona in the film. This was sorely missing from the actual film as their relationship felt underdeveloped. Wallace gets a few extra funny lines sporadically in the film. Todd and Envy get a couple extra good one liners. Film has a slightly slower pace when it comes to the exes, Todd and Gideon benefit from slightly longer screentime. Unsure: I hope you like the extra 30 second or so of the Clash at Demonhead song I added. The editing is a bit sporadic as I took it from like 1 or 2 second band shots from the music video. The NegaScotts. I’m unsure if they work. Cons: Coloring in some of the deleted scenes is off. I’m unsure how jarring it is. My editing isn’t great. I tried to make it serviceable as possible. I’m a newbie. Quality in the alt. edit scenes is slightly below snub for the rest of the film. I don’t know how you’ll react. Audio hiccups. I’m sorry but I tried my best but there’s a few loud pings in there that are annoying. Couple of the songs are repeated as the deleted scene is inserted, hope this ain’t too jarring.

Special Thanks:

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