Grab yourself a keg of beer and prepare to get hammered while laughing your ass off.
Beerfest is my favorite movie to get drunk to. It doesn’t matter if I’m with my buddies or flying solo on a sad Saturday night, I’ll pop it in and drink along. Now you can get drunk with me and watch a super long version of Beerfest. Do the deleted scenes add depth to the movie? Nope. Do they expand on the motivations of the characters? Are you crazy? Will this version make you view Beerfest in an entirely new way? Probably not. Do the extra scenes make me laugh? Yep.
Change List:
Added the following deleted scenes – Todd Wants to Sell the Schnitzengiggle This Is My Wife, Krista Krundle The Legend of Finkelstein’s Position Finkelstein’s Position – Part 2 My First Beer Was… Fink’s George Washington Riff Bowling With Veterans Great Gam Gam’s John Drunk Tank Landfill & Krista Fight Hammacher Blows Motel Room Feeding the Frunkey Just Like The Kegs Back Home Let The Games Begin! Ulsa & Fink Finkelstein’s Position – Part 3 I added only the beginning of the Original Oktoberfest. I did not add the following deleted scenes – Germans Break In Artist & The Baron Fink’s Original Eulogy Where’s The Air Going To Go? Deleted the line about kicking the Brits’ asses in WW II as this line is repeated during the next deleted scene. I also cut some of the conversation at the end of the rooftop scene due to using alternate dialogue.
Additional Notes:
The deleted scenes are noticeable lower quality but that shouldn’t bother you once your beer goggles are firmly on.
Special Thanks:
Frederick Miller Adolph Coors & Jacob Schueler Adolphus Busch Sebastianus Artois.