Captain Jack Sparrow and The Heart of Davy Jones

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Captain Jack Sparrow and The Heart of Davy Jones

Faneditor: TM2YC  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st September 2013
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:9m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:22m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Pirates of the Caribbean
Genre: AdventureComedy
Original Title: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2006
Original Runtime: 2h:30m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


This is an edit of the 2nd of the 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' series, 2006's 'Dead Man's Chest' designed to streamline, simplifying and quicken the pace as much as possible.


I've never really been able to enjoy the POTC series like other clearly do as I find them overlong, confusing and self indulgent. But when they are good they offer an incredible cartoon adventure ride. So I'm going to be tackling all 4 films making the fun as exciting as possible. I've renamed the series '(The adventures of) Captain Jack Sparrow' because really that's who everyone comes to the party to see (Plus it's a reference to a certain Mr Jones).

Change List:

00.00.00 Added TM2YC Ident 00.52.02 Removed original title 00.02.15 Removed wedding exposition line (We've got eyes) 00.03.01 Removed reference to Norrington (To early to be reminding the audience about an old character we don't meet again for about an hour) 00.03.40 Removed slow 6 minute 'key capture' exposition sequence. Again the key-drawing information isn't important for another 30 minutes 00.03.41 Added new 'The Heart of Davy Jones' title over map shot 00.04.14 Removed Will's line about him not being friends with Jack (Stop the movie there shall we! If our heroes don't even care about each other, why should we?) 00.05.59 Removed 6.5 minute 'Bootstrap visitation' exposition scene. Once again we don't need this information for about the first half hour 00.13.02 Moved Elizabeth's escape to after Will and Jack have escaped on the Pearl (As that is a natural place for the 2nd act to begin) 00.16.30 Removed Jack's failed 'Paprika' escape 00.27.20 Trimmed Jack's line about Elizabeth, so his last words are "How much do you know about Davy Jones?" leading into the narrative thrust of the 2nd act 00.27.52 Added back deleted scene of Gov. Swann giving Elizabeth a pistol 00.3.26 Brought 2nd Elizabeth scene forward so it now flows from the first removing the brief visual confusion created by the original placement 00.39.40 Removed 'blackspot' dialogue 00.42.09 Brought 3rd Elizabeth scene forward 00.43.46 Removed shot of Will rowing over to the wreck 00.47.19 Removed shot of Jones watching the man's throat being cut (I felt it was too violent for a fun family film) 00.48.15 Will now only mentions Jack's debt once 00.51.14 Removed shot of the blackspot 00.55.47 Two shots of Beckett's magic travelling henchman removed 00.56.46 Removed shot of bootstrap responding to his name 01.05.28 Removed Gov. Swann agreeing to help Beckett so the last we see of him alive is disheveled, beaten and in chains being threatened (He will not be alive in the next film) 01.05.32 Black Pearl deck scene discussing Beckett brought forward so it links with the last one 01.06.57 Removed end of deck scene where Elizabeth is shown to be in love with Jack 01.13.06 Removed Will banging Organ as it was ludicrously loud 01.20.40 Removed 1st shot of Will climbing onto the Dutchman 01.20.53 Removed 2nd shot of Will climbing onto the Dutchman 01.21.42 Removed Elizabeth's "I'm so ready to be married" line as it felt odd to me given her tom-boy character 01.22.37 New match cut created removing all footage of Elizabeth being flattered by Jack's advances, so now her insulting him reads as genuine 01.23.14 Removed footage of Elizabeth flirting and teasing Jack (As nice as it was) 01.23.15 Removed blackspot being shown again 01.24.24 Removed shots showing Elizabeth's compass pointing at Jack 01.24.29 Removed lizabeth dialogue about the compass 01.38.23 Removed shots of Norrington obviously taking the heart so it later comes as a surprise. Plus we now also think Norrington is genuinely being a hero by escaping with the chest 01.48.00 Removed shot of Jack having second thoughts about fleeing so it's a surprise when he later comes back 01.49.50 Recut 'shooting the gunpowder' scene so it no longer appears that Jack is trying to kill Will 01.51.52 Radicaly recut and reduced kissing scene so Will doesn't see it and Elizabeth only kisses Jack just long enough to trap him 01.52.01 Removed most of Elizabeth's dialogue during this scene 01.52.26 Removed Will's bitter looks at Elizabeth and remixed music and audio 01.53.45 Reduced length of rare dodgy CGI shot of the Kraken roaring 01.54.17 New match cut so Jack no longer runs at the Kraken but just holds his ground 01.55.44 Moved Norrington/Beckett encounter to final scene 01.55.45 Removed start of swamp montage 01.57.27 Removed shot of Will looking angrily at Elizabeth 02.00.03 Remixed ending music and dialogue audio to end the film on Norrington's line "The Heart of Davy Jones" 02.09.04 Added thankyou titlecard for thread contributers 02.09.10 Removed 'Dog diety' post credits scene and replaced it with... 02.09.11 'Alternate Ending' deleted scene radically recut into new brief post credits scene forshadowing the opening to the next film. Norrington has been removed, as by this time he is probably having a bath and a shave FanEdit Length - 129 Minutes Original Length - 150 Minutes Time Added - 1 Minute Time Removed - 22 Minutes.

Additional Notes:

- Recoloured film throughout to tone down blueish hue - Blackspot subplot removed - Elizabeth temporarily loving Jack removed so she stay faithful to Will... - As a result, all footage of Will and Elizabeth falling out removed from this and the next film - All scenes of Jack before Will locates him removed to move the film along 12.5 minutes quicker and to help us engage with Will's quest - Where possible, relevant scenes grouped together so they flow from one to the other instead of jumping from place to place and character to character.

Other Sources:

Dead Man's Chest Blu-Ray Dead Man's Chest CD

Special Thanks:

Thanks to: Radzinsky, emanswfan, Gaith, TomH1138, DominicCobb, Zarius, That One Guy, baileym43, Sunarep, jerick, dangermouse, theslime.

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