Spies Like Us: The Bailey Cut

Updated: 8th May 2024

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Spies Like Us: The Bailey Cut

Faneditor: Bailey  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:31m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:11m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: Comedy
Original Title: Spies Like Us (1985)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1985
Original Runtime: 1h:42m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


This is the "Spies Like Us" that you know and love, but with a little less slapstick.


As a kid in the ‘80’s, I loved Spies Like Us, and still do. It was (and still is) one of those movies that when I come across on TBS or something, I must watch. But there was an idea posted by u/gnarlin on Reddit that I liked. The idea was to cut Spies Like Us into a more serious movie. I thought, just for fun, I'd give that a shot. Well, that idea didn't really work, but from that came another idea. While rewatching I was reminded that this movie is not just a comedy, but it is a very slapsticky comedy. Some of the jokes are way over the top. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I wondered what it would look like as a more straightforward comedy. A little more serious, but still a comedy. So, I trimmed a whole bunch of slapstick, buffoonery, silliness and things that are a little over the top.

Change List:

· Changed the music from the musical that Fitz-Hume is watching to something more patriotic and trimmed the scene around it. · Trimmed the test scene. Removed some of the over-the-top buffoonery and the fart. · Trimmed the screaming during the airplane jump. · Trimmed silliness from the ninja scene. Cut Fitz-Hume trying to use his sister as a bargaining chip. Cut Fitz-Hume’s “hello” instead of saluting. And more. · Trimmed the training montage. Cut the impact simulator. Cut frozen faces after the G-force test. And rearranged scenes. · Trimmed the “need to take a leak” conversation. · Trimmed the “good night, sleep tight” conversation during the getaway from the Russians. · Cut Fitz-Hume checking the tongue and them both hopping away while tied up. · Kept the Doctor – Doctor – Doctor – etc. scene because I like it. · Trimmed and cropped Fitz-Hume grabbing Boyer’s boob. · Cut Bob Hope’s cameo. · Trimmed the surgery scene. Cut Millbarge flipping through the book and not knowing where to incise. Trimmed Fitz-Hume fumbling with the surgical tools. · Trimmed some silliness from the getaway following surgery. · Trimmed the endless elevator and the screams during it. · Cut Fitz-Hume speaking camel. · Cut Fitz-Hume’s “you’ll thank me.” · Trimmed Fitz-Hume’s silly shock at the Russians showing up while he’s the hostage. · Trimmed Millbarge’s falling down the hill. It went on way too long. · Trimmed the bad guys’ silly back and forth with the grenade, they don’t have forever to run away now, and they likely die in the explosion. Credit u/gnarlin, this scene is where this idea began. · Cut Fitz-Hume falling when trying to jump over the logs. · Cut the “high-ho Silver, away!” line. · Cut the “so what, so we owe them a cow?” and “how do we get one?” lines. · Cut the punk girls tv exploding while watching MTV. · Cut Fitz-Hume’s “you have a tent?” line. · Cut Fitz-Hume trying to take the rock to Millbarge. · Trimmed the amount of time that Fitz-Hume is being shocked. · Cut Fitz-Hume’s “can I borrow your tent?” line. · Cut Mr. Ruby and Mr. Keyes lines about being kidnapped. · Trimmed end credits and changed the music. There are many more small trims, this list covers all the big ones.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

The Spies Like Us official soundtrack.

Special Thanks:

u/gnarlin for the inspiration of this idea.

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