Faneditor: White43   Fanedit Type: FanMix Fanedit Release Date: 10th December 2012 Fanedit Runtime: 1h:27m:0s Time Cut: 0h:33m:0s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Genre: Drama Original Title: No Country For Old Men (2007)    Original Release Date: 1st January 2007 Original Runtime: 2h:0m:0s
This is a faster paced version of “No Country For Old Men” from the perspective of Llewelyn Moss and Anton Chigurh.
To tell “No Country For Old Men” from the perspective of Llewelyn Moss and Anton Chigurh by removing Sheriff Ed Tom Bell(Tommy Lee Jones) from the film. To create a faster paced story, by removing some redundant dialogue and some scene reorganisation.
Change List:
- Removed ALL scenes with TLJ, bar one which has been moved from the start of the film to a better location. - Remove TLJ V/O from start of film and cut down the scenes of the ‘country’ at dawn. - Change start of the film. No scene with Anton being arrested and escaping. - Remove Anton pulling over a car and killing the driver. - Some scene rearrangement to help flow and to build Anton as a psychopath. - Trimmed Anton’s scene with gas station man for redundancy. No more ‘What time do you go to bed?’ - Trims to Carson Wells’ dialogue : Validating a car ticket and ‘ATM’. Harms his character. - A new ‘montage’ to show the climax. - It’s not Carla’s mother’s funeral we’re at. - Carla visualises Llewelyn’s death. - Ending changed.