Indecent Proposal : Divorce Edition

Updated: 10th August 2012

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Indecent Proposal : Divorce Edition

Faneditor: Metrostar  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2009
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:32m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:20m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: Drama
Original Title: Indecent Proposal (1993)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1993
Original Runtime: 1h:52m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


This is INDECENT PROPOSAL with a more realistic conclusion to what happens when you let your beautiful wife sleep with a rich man. The movie now has a more serious tone and feels less outdated.


I wanted to reach a more realistic conclusion to what happens when you let your beautiful wife sleep with a rich man. I wanted to give the whole movie a more serious tone and do something about the dated interior furnishings and clothing fashions.

Change List:

1. Cut opening scenes/voiceovers on pier with David and on bus with Diana. 2. Added music from soundtrack cd to opening titles. 3. Cut shot of stove without underpants. 4. Cut Diana saying “I love you, even without the money” and subsequent sex-scene and David looking at Diana while she sleeps. 5. Cut David and Diana embracing in hotel room paid for by Gage. 6. Cut Diana saying “He’d tell you to go to hell” and Gage saying “I didn’t hear him say that.” in pool game/proposal scene. 7. Cut David and Diana in bed talking about past lovers. 8. Cut all of Davids scenes showing what was happening to him while Diana was with Gage. 9. Cut Diana in the bathroom on the boat putting lipstick on. 10. Cut man in restaurant with food all over his jacket saying “I’m taking it off.” 11. Cut Diana saying “I hate him” in fight with David at their home. 12. Cut some of Diana crying in paper chair. 13. Cut Jeremy on exercise bike saying “Hi Di” and David saying he’s not there.

Additional Notes:

I removed scenes/audio that alluded to or spoke about David and Diana being an ‘invincibile’ couple, and I removed everything after David signs the divorce papers. I cut the cheesy sex scene with music by Sade and I changed the whole movie from color to black and white.

Special Thanks:

Star Beast: Alien Grindhoused
The Thief And The Cobbler - Recobbled Cut
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter II [The Chronological Cut]
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Star Wars Rebels Recut
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited
Home Alone: The 'Kevin Alone' Cut
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back [Despecialized]
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