The Warriors: Theatrical Cut Reconstruction (HD)

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The Warriors: Theatrical Cut Reconstruction (HD)

Faneditor: TM2YC  
Fanedit Type: Special Projects
Fanedit Release Date: 1st June 2018
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:33m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:2m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Genre: ActionAdventureDrama
Original Title: The Warriors (1979)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1979
Original Runtime: 1h:34m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray
Sound Mix:


This edit takes the HD transfer on the 'Ultimate Director's Cut' blu-ray and goes in and fixes, alters, or replaces every single changed shot to "Reconstruct" the original 'Theatrical Cut' in almost the same HD quality. So we can once again enjoy the film the way it was meant to be seen 1979, without compromising on visual quality.


The 2005 'Ultimate Director's Cut' with the cheap digital looking new intro, comic-book interludes and comic-style wipes ruined 'The Warriors' for many people. You had to make a bad choice between watching it in SD but unaltered, or HD but spoiled. The recent release to streaming services of various cuts that were close to the TC was a welcome stop-gap but they inevitably suffered from noticeable digital-compression and retained the pinky/blue DC colour timing, meaning some Warriors fans (like me) still felt short changed. So this "Reconstruction" attempts to replace the 56-minutes of altered footage with new "hybrid" shots made from combining the DC-BR with missing parts from the TC-DVD (and in a few rare instances, an iTunes TC release).

Change List:

- Shots that were cropped on the BR were resized and the missing parts of the frame recreated from the DVD. - For shots that had digital zooms and pans applied for the DC, I reversed the movement to match the DVD reference and again restored the missing parts of the frame. - The Comicbook style segments and wipes have been replaced with the original transitions from the DVD. I tried to replace as little of the frame as possible. - Scenes/shots that had been brightened, or darkened have been corrected. The grade throughout has also been made slightly more "warm". - The beach finale has been regraded to restore the golden tint of the TC, replacing the washed out blue/grey of the DC. All colour-timing inconsistencies in this scene have been faithfully reproduced from the TC. I felt attempting to fix these went against the spirit of the project.

Additional Notes:

Two thirds of the movie has been changed, so cuts are too numerous and repetitive to make a worthwhile read.

Other Sources:

- The Warriors (DC) Blu-Ray - The Warriors (TC) PAL DVD - The Warriors (TC) iTunes HD file - The Warriors (TC) VHS (for optional soundmix only. Kindly provided by SilverWook) - The Warriors (Soundtrack) CD (for isolated score track only).

Special Thanks:

Thanks to all the people that have given feedback in the project thread. Huge thanks to SilverWook for allowing me to use his recording of the VHS soundmix.

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