Go Like Hell

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Go Like Hell

Faneditor: macmilln  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2020
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:14m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:18m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: Drama
Original Title: Ford v. Ferrari (2019)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2019
Original Runtime: 2h:32m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


Go Like Hell is a light but (in my opinion) substantial edit that tightens and focuses the narrative of Ford v. Ferrari, resulting in what I believe is a stronger film. I loved the original release, but even in theatres found myself questioning the authenticity of some aspects, causing a dissatisfaction that I felt wasn't necessary.


The purpose of this edit was to focus the film more on the story of Ken Miles (played by Christian Bale), as well as to have more grounding in reality, and rid it of many clichés that sports movies and biopics often suffer from. For the first time, my goal was to make this a replacement for the original: I want this to be something I can revisit without my mind wandering out of the film's reality, while still maintaining the charm and integrity the original has, so there's nothing that feels missing or incomplete.

Change List:

0:00:00 - "FE.org" 'Netflix-style' card and my own "CJM" logo card 0:00:05 - Opening logos - 0:00:25 - Replaced audio with track #2 "Wide View" from soundtrack - 0:00:50 - "Fanedit.org Presents" text - 0:00:55 - "A Fanedit by CJ MacMillan" text - 0:01:09 - "Go Like Hell" text 0:01:21 - Cut original Shelby opening, we now start with the Ford plant scene 0:10:31 - Cut Shelby "Not yet." 0:12:25 - Cut another Shelby "Not yet." 0:12:28 - Cut another Shelby "Not yet." 0:12:31 - Cut Shelby "Now." 0:12:35 - Cut Phil "Nice move, Ken." 0:25:14 - Restructured scene 0:26:37 - Cut scene opening, now begins with Iacocca rolling up 0:26:54 - Cut 'small-talk' 0:28:39 - Cut excess shots 0:31:46 - Cut shot of Shelby eating nachos 0:33:08 - Cut Shelby flying the plane 0:51:52 - Cut Miles 'self-monologuing' 0:52:04 - Cut more of Miles' 'self-monologuing' 0:52:12 - Cut more of Miles' 'self-monologuing' 0:52:30 - Cut more of Miles' 'self-monologuing' 0:56:37 - Cut Shelby "Oh yes." 0:57:44 - Cut Shelby "...in Modena, Italy." 0:59:45 - Cut excess shot of Shelby 1:00:42 - Trimmed shot of Shelby 1:09:35 - Restructured scene 1:41:58 - Cut Beebe's call 1:43:48 - Cut Peter "...the brakes!" 1:45:54 - Cut 'nut' scene 1:46:33 - Cut Miles "Let's do it." 1:49:47 - Cut 'the Deuce' scene 1:50:36 - Cut Beebe "Yeah." 1:54:48 - Cut Shelby "Not yet." 1:54:50 - Cut another Shelby "Not yet.: 1:54:52 - Cut Shelby "Now." 1:55:55 - Cut Beebe's freakout 2:03:13 - Cut Shelby's voiceover 2:04:35 - Cut Shelby catch-up 2:06:14 - Cut Shelby "Tools are useful..." 2:14:21 - Fin.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Edited using Premiere Pro, often utilising 5.1 channels to isolate audio and/or make smooth transitions from where I cut. Other than that, this was a pretty linear editing process - I started watching the film, and cut whatever I saw fit from there.

Special Thanks:

TM2YC for being the only one who showed interested in the edit, and assisting me in the editing process.

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