The Godfather: Extended Edition HD

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The Godfather: Extended Edition HD

Faneditor: hal_over_9000  Wraith  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 3h:22m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:25m:0s
Franchise: The Godfather
Genre: Drama
Original Title: The Godfather (1972)   The Godfather Part II (1974)   The Godfather Part III (1990)   The Godfather Trilogy 1901-1980   The Godfather: A Novel for Television   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1972
Original Runtime: 2h:57m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


Many fellow editors and fans alike wanted me to create extended editions of the theatrical structuures, much like Hal-over_9000's incorporating the myriad of changes, new material, new audio and fixes/refinements which I applied to The Magnum Opus. Here at last, respecting the original choices (for the most part) of the original editor, is a fully revised and updated version of both of the first two Godfather movies in HD.


Some years past now, Hal_over_9000 released his extended editions of The Godfather and The Godfather ParII. These inspired me to create The Godfather Magnum Opus consisting of The Godfather: Don Vito's OPus and The Godfather: Michael's Opus. Here at last, respecting the original choices (for the most part) of the original editor, is a fully revised and updated version of both of the first two Godfather movies in HD.

Change List:

Added the following deleted scenes: - Vito asks Sonny if he is paying attention at the wedding. - Tom informs Vito Genco will not last out the night. - Michael and Vito leaving the wedding. - The men visit Genco on his deathbed. - Tom sees Woltz giving a pony to an actress. - Tom sees the actress in Woltz's house. - Connie and Carlo argue/ Vito decides to send Luca Brasi to reason with Woltz - Michael and Kay call Tom from a hotel room. - Extended footage of Luca brasi walking to the meeting with Bruno and Sollozzo. - Sonny gets a call after his father is shot. - Sonny informs his mother of his father's shooting, takes control of the family. - Extended Footage of Michael driving home. - Rocco and Clemenza talk about the Paulie hit before getting into the car. - Clemenza makes a stop to call sonny and eats lunch. - Michael and his bodyguards come across communists marching in Sicily. - Fabrizzio asks Michael about America. - Extended Footage of Michael walking through Corleone. - Michael visits his father's childhood home in Sicily. - Extended Connie Carlo fight scene. - Bonasera prepares to meet Vito at his funeral parlor. - Michael wakes up after Apollonia's death. - Michael speaks with Vito after his return from Sicily. - Extended Footage during the Tessio/Clemenze/Carlo/Tom meeting with Vito and Mike. Cuts: - Short audio trim when Tom Hagen is dialing the phone for less fade-to-black.

Additional Notes:

Wherevever possible, the best source has been used but NOT the 4k transfers which destroy the original Gordon Willis color palette. The so called "yello patina". I have also added extensive additional new subtitles throughout, and corrected mis-translations. Original Italian audio has been put back where it was replaced, and many additional sound additions have been sourced from the various chronilogical edits. The theatrical structure has been respected and all the relevant additions to The Magnum Opus have been added. The original credit roills have been maintaned and the opening credits re-created from scratch.

Other Sources:

The Godfather Trilogy Limited Edition CDs The Godfather Coda: The death of Michael Corleone Special features from all Blu ray versions The Godfather Epic 720 p (unknown source) The Godfather 50th Anniversary 4K release Hollywood or Bust Blu Ray

Special Thanks:

Gbeditsmovies, jswert123456, Moe_Syzlak, jrWHAG42, Heavysyde, stferguson78, flaminio, asterixsmeagol, sgp1428, grabaham, subjectzero, TheUltimate, Mako and morrigan for following my tortuous thread on this, their feedback, encouragement and support. Extra Special thanks to Spence (for applying topaz to some material), Mako for some upscaling, tylrsmmrs and SonnyGFunk for their incredible QC and spotting things, and Tony.Montana79 for the same. Finally, a thanks as always to the one and only ArtisDead...just because!

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