Fellowship’s Musical Journey, The

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Fellowship’s Musical Journey, The

Faneditor: Stonehenge  
Fanedit Type: Special Projects
Fanedit Release Date: 1st March 2009
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:0m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Lord of the Rings
Genre: AdventureFantasy
Original Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2001
Original Runtime: 3h:28m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


Inspired by the music-only version of the Star Wars saga by Adigitalman this is a music & sound effects version of LOTR (with some narration/dialogue thrown in for good measure) in honor of Howard Shore’s impressive score.


The Fellowship’s Musical Journey is a tribute to the original OST of LOTR1 by Howard Shore.

Change List:

TRACKLIST: 1) The Prophecy: one prologue to rule them all 2) Concerning Hobbits: the happiest tune of the lot, the only clip for all ages 3) Shadow of the Past: “Why shouldn’t i keep it?” mumbles Bilbo, seemingly unaware of the dark history of the ring, culminating in the murder by SmÃ?agol (taken from the LOTR3 prologue) 4) The treason of Isengard: aka the Battle of the old-timers 5) The Black Rider: the hobbits are being followed by a wraith 6) at the sign of the prancing pony: while sheltering in a tavern, they still manage to attract the attention of the wraiths 7) a Knife in the dark: on Weathertop the boys battle it out with you know who, luckily assisted by Aragorn 08) Flight to the ford: the wraiths persue on horseback, unaware of the raging river 9) Many Meetings: just a random MTV style collection of rendez-vous, hence the title 10) The council of Elrond & the ring goes south: the Fellowship is formed and departs 11) Journey in the dark: they venture in the mines of Moira… 12) the bridge of Khazad Dum: Beware the Orcs, the crumbling bridge and the fiery demon from below 13) Lothlorien: Saddened by the death of Gandalf, they seek solace in Lothlorien 14) The Great River: en route to Amon Hen 15) Amon Hen: Boromir bites the dust, who needs a happy ending?

Additional Notes:

Inspired by the music-only version of the Star Wars saga by Adigitalman (found here: http://fanedit.org/wp/19/) this is a music & sound effects version of LOTR (with some narration/dialogue thrown in for good measure) in honor of Howard Shore‘s impressive score. It contains 16 tracks with 2 audio options and video sequences to which I added video. I’ve taken out all of Enya’s bits and so ended up with 16 tracks to which I added video. I combined the Council of Elrond and The Ring goes south into 1 track because of Elrond being rather short. Most tracks have still some narration, dialogue or soundFX. Audio track 2 has OST music only. Track 14 The Great River only has music, no second audio track was necessary. Track 15 Amon Hen only has the combined OST and dialogue, Boromir’s death scene came out quite spectacular with the OST so prominent IMO.

Special Thanks:

Robots VS Kung Fu: The Matrix Grindhouse Edition
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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Trials Of Deception (The Last Jedi)
Terminator 3: Salvation
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Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
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The Rage of Cage
Thanksgiving - Grindhouse Edit