Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Fanedit

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Fanedit

Faneditor: Threepkiller  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2013
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:29m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:7m:0s
Time Added: 0h:3m:0s
Franchise: Harry Potter
Genre: AdventureFamilyFantasy
Original Title: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2009
Original Runtime: 2h:33m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


The green dull look that dominated most scenes has been removed as much as possible, resulting in a more dynamic visual style. Awkward dialogue, events contrary to the Harry Potter universe, out of character behaviour, and a few visually unpleasant shots have been cut. Five deleted scenes have been added which improve the plot and relationships.


I wished to make it a bit more loyal to the book in terms of characters, story and mood. And also visually closer to the rest of the films in the saga. Always keeping in mind that however dark the story may be, it still takes place in a magical and beautiful world, at least in the book.

Change List:

* Chroma and luma adjustments throughout most of the film. - Cut shot of Harry's eye during the Intro. - Cut the waitress. - Cut Dumbledore talking to Harry about the waitress and how he's not returning to Little Whinging. - Cut Harry apparating outside The Burrow by himself and then looking at Ginny. - Cut Dumbledore talking about Harry's love life. - Cut Cormac and Hermione looking at each other during Quiddich. * Reduced the aliasing present at 47:47 (original movie timing) - Cut shot of the potions book where sectumsempra is misspelled as "sectumpsempra". - Cut Cormac licking his fingers at Slugurn's dinner party. - Cut shot of Ron's breakfast before Quiddich. - Cut Lavender's line "I think this room's taken". - Cut Hermione crying and Harry's line "It feels like this". - Cut Ron and Lavender kissing on the staircase. - Cut duplicate shot of Draco uncovering the Vanishing Cabinet. - Cut Ginny feeding Harry. - Cut the line "The first night of the cycle's always the worst". - Cut Ginny tying Harry's shoes. - Trimmed Ginny standing helplessly while Greyback approaches her. - Cut The Burrow being burned down. - Cut Harry knocking on Slughorn's door. - Added deleted scene of Harry and Hermione discussing the Marauder's Map. - Cut Hermione and Lavender's fight at Hogwarts infirmary. + Added deleted scene of Harry telling Hermione and Ron that Malfoy has been going to the Room of Requirement. - But cut all talk of the vanishing cabinet whithin that scene. - Cut Snape and Dumbledore's discussion at the Astronomy Tower. + Added deleted scene of Dumbledore telling Harry about Tom Riddle and the cave. + Added deleted scene featuring various character at Hogwarts while Flitwick conducts the school's choir. + Added deleted scene of Harry and Dumbledore leaving the cave. - Cut Snape and Harry seeing each other at the Astronomy Tower. + Added fanedit credits.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

The Dark Side of the Rainbow
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