Faneditor: NewSpock   Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2013 Fanedit Runtime: 2h:8m:0s Time Cut: h:0m:0s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Franchise: Buffy Genre: Action • Comedy • Drama • • Fantasy • Horror Original Title: Buffy The Vampire Slayer (TV Show)(1997)    Original Release Date: 1st January 1997 Original Runtime: 9h:36m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: 12A Source: Digital Resolution: Sound Mix: Language: Subtitles:    
The original season 1 of Buffy is full of monster-of-the-week episodes that do little to develop the season's main themes and characters. This movie I made of the first season takes the important themes and brings them to life in a story that makes sense as a movie. In order to do that I took the liberty to change some of the story, restructure other parts and give new meaning to certain characters.
I wanted to create a movie of season 1 that would work as a cinematic experience and yet includes all of what makes Buffy so great as a show, the humor, action, drama, romance, suspense and especially its relatable characters.
Change List:
Trying to edit a whole season into a movie is not easy. You either end up with a mammoth length-time of four hours or more and a disjointed plot or you keep it nice and lean but end up with many interesting plot points lost in the process and characters being reduced in or losing their meaning. Fortunately with Buffy season 1 I found the key how to tell the story so that it becomes an enjoyable cinematic experience and yet keep all important themes and characters intact and even improve on the story: 1. I got rid of all the unnecessary monster-of the-week-elements. 2. I created a new dream-subplot surrounding the "anointed one". By changing and expanding on the "anointed one"'s meaning and importance I was able to tell the important themes of Buffy season 1 in a more interesting and impactful way, and at the same time give the "anointed one" some much needed meaning and justification to exist within the plot. 3. Through the use of some flashbacks I could tell certain story-elements without disturbing the movie's pacing. To structure all of it I used a classical three-act with a thorough introduction, a middle-part where the characters develop their interrelations and and end where it all the themes and plot culminate in a climax.
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Special Thanks:
I want to thank these for their previewing, suggestions and moral support: TomH1138, Neglify, Gatos, heatherly84 and especially BionicBob. And I want to thank Joss Whedon and co. for creating the TV-show.