Changes in v2.0: Warning screen added to the beginning of the film. Updated intro sequence with “WW” shield instead of “HP” shield. Two audio tracks are now available in the video file, a 5.1 surround sound and a 2.0 stereo track. Coloring adjusted on the spinning Knight Bus scene. Added smoke effect to Great Hall post-Hogsmeade scene. Trimmed the Fat Lady torn portrait scene to remove the duplicated line that was in the post-Hogsmeade scene. In my original edit, I left the duplicated line in to try to make it seem like Ron was overly excited about the Shrieking Shack. I received complaints about the duplicate line, so it was removed. ---- My inaugural fanedit and the first film in my set of Harry Potter extended editions. Certain deleted scenes have been incorporated that were not added back to the TV versions, or scenes created from other content to allow for the inclusion of a deleted scene. For PoA, all deleted scenes that have been released with the Blu-Rays have been reincorporated into the original movie.
The intent of this project was to create a complete set of Harry Potter extended editions that mimic the versions seen on ABC Family/FreeForm, but are not exact duplicates. Certain deleted scenes have been incorporated that were not added back to the TV versions, or scenes created from other content to allow for the inclusion of a deleted scene.
Change List:
- All deleted scenes have been added in (+ 1 new scene created) - Added spinning Knight Bus scene with blue screen removed and spinning background added - Added extended bird scene - Added scene following the first trip to Hogsmeade - Added Sir Cadogan portrait scene - Added a new Sirius Black attack scene so the Common Room deleted scene would make sense when added. - Added Common Room scene following Black's attack.
Additional Notes:
Prisoner of Azkaban was the first of the HP films that I approached editing, mainly due to the few number of scenes that could be added back. Despite this low number, there was some more delicate editing that I had to undertake and some learning that I had to do in order to accomplish the end result. The first scene was the blue screened Knight Bus spinning scene, which took some time to key out and erase cables holding Harry up. As I progressed through the edit, I found more that I wanted to do, like making Harry's face and hands change color when he ate the candy from Hogsmeade and creating a new scene from other clips so one of the deleted scenes could be added in.
Special Thanks:
Freddy - For the inspiration to complete the project Musiced921 - For assistance in the approval process Mc Gloomy on YouTube - For the idea for the created Sirius/Ron attack scene l8wrtr Q2 JK Rowling.