The Hobbit Part 2: An Adventure's End

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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The Hobbit Part 2: An Adventure's End

Faneditor: Wraith  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st December 2020
Fanedit Runtime: 4h:57m:0s
Time Cut: 4h:5m:0s
Time Added: 0h:7m:0s
Franchise: Lord of the Rings
Genre: AdventureFantasy
Original Title: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)   The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)   The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2014
Original Runtime: 9h:2m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


To create two Hobbit movies I would want to watch over and over as a TRUE prequel to The Lord of the Rings.


When I watched the original movies, I found myself editing in my head as I watched. I wanted toremove the padding and invention, change the tone to feel like The Lord of the Rings and improve all the characters and plotting.

Change List:

Does anyone want yet another Hobbit Edit? I made these edits cold, not having viewed any other edits. It took nearly 4 years and 1500 changes completed in 2017. I started by stripping back to the book and re arranging some stuff including removing the prologue completely (not the first person to do that). But I hadn't at that point watched anyone else edit. I ended up with 3 versions, the Book edit, the Flio edit and the Tolkien edit running 3hr, 3.5rs and 5 hours respectively. I then took my preferred 5 hr and chopped in two respecting the original break point the GdT has spoken of. I then watched a few of the edits out there last year. There are some which are very good. Mine differ beacuase made a lot of micro edits that clean up character and performance. Mine do have non book elements, but none that are inconsistent with the books or the narrative. There are so many tweaks, new flashbacks, new openings and endings to both films and so much more. Below is the very high level cut list..VERY HIGH LEVEL since there are 1500 changes overall (fully listed). Cuts and Additions: Tolkien Edit is Parts 1 & 2 as a 5 hour moview. The Book Edit reduces forshadowing and runs 4 hrs. The Folio Edit is Pure to the Novel (and is 3.5 hrs). Book and Folio Edits are not available at this time (but if there is demand.....) 0001 MGM Lion and WB log changed to Sepia 0002 MGM Lion roar, resourced to accommodate that the opening has new sound effects 0003 All opening credit text "NEW LINECINEMA" and "WINGNUT" etc. re-created using a new font 0004 Custom Middle Earth Map pan and zoom added 0005 Bilbo's voiceover line "it began long ago", extracted and added 0006 Custom CAPTION of "BREE" added to appear to leap from the map 0007 "Prologue" caption added 0008 Entire Prologue from H1T/X Deleted though some shots are used to create context relevant identical flashbacks later in all 3 edits 0009 Prologue from H2X used here, but modified AND RUNS DIFFERENTLY IN ALL 3 VERSIONS DUE TO DIFFERING PLOTS THREAD no being present in all edits 0010 Peter Jackson's cameo is removed 0011 Entry to The Prancing Pony is trimmed to varying lengths across all 3 versions 0013 Thorins exchange with Gandalf is trimmed to varying lengths across all 3 versions 0018 The Flashback to Moria is removed from the Folio edit, and trimmed to varying lengths across the BE TE 0019 BE relocates Thrains pledge and warning to Thorin to the later flashback Balin given to Bilbo, and the beheading clos up is removed and relocated similarly 0024 TE only relocated the Thror decapitation close up 0029 In the Folio edit The Gandalf/Thorin discussion is shorter than the BE TE 0034 Pale Halo Vignette surround added to the Moria flashback in the BE TE 0038 The Beheaded head foley is replaced in the TE and the bouncing head removed from the BE and relocated to the later Balin recollection of the same event 0041 The Opening Title "The Hobbit" is newly made 0042 The opening sequence where Bilbo strikes a match and walks down the corridor has complete new audio build to accommodate re-scoring 0047 Isolated Bilbo voiceover is used to narrate opening 0046 Bilbo looking at himself and contemplating the past is completely rebuilt to accommodate scoring change and voice over changes 0062 Caption "Chapter 1: An Unexpected Party" added 0063 Opening stroll through Hobbiton, shortened 0071 There is no vocal interaction between Bilbo and any other Hobbit 0067 The whole nonsense with the Grey cushion is removed, a few shots are retained 0081 All interaction with Frodo is removed, though a few Bilbo shots were retained for use elsewhere 0077 Bilbo's first meeting with Gandalf is significantly re-edited with no captions 0095 A number of Bilbo's double takes and twitches are removed as are a number of redundant and clumsy lines 0102 The arrival of Dwalin is shortened and his manners at the table tidied up somewhat 0096 The arrival of Fili and Kill is shorter and comedic elements removed 0114 The arrival of Balin is trimmed and the head-butt with Dwalin removed 0117 All material of the dwarves pranks prior to Thorin's arrival are removed 0123 Thorin's arrival discussion with Bilbo has the reference to "experience of fighting" and "conkers" are removed 0126 The post Thorin arrival dinner antics up to Gandalf discussing the mission are completely removed 0127 Gandalf's briefing of the dwarves is shortened and kept to the point 0136 Contemporary idiom "I'm up for it" and "up his jacksie"from the dwarves and most outbursts during the mission briefing are removed 0139 Thorins briefing to the Company omits the reference to Dain in FE. Minor trims to Bofur in FE. 0142 2 shots are flipped, and one is played back in reversed (Thorin Standing) to establish and maintain continuity 0146 Balins "not the brightest" removed 0147 Reference to "we are fighters" and "Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons" removed 0149 discussion about Bilbo being a burglar is trimmed and Bilbo's double take removed 0151 Contract review is trimmed and the warning about "fire breathing dragon" in order to keep it serious 0156 Bilbo and Gandalf’s fireside chat shortened, removing Bilbo's outburst and Gandalf history of Golf 0158 Additional foley work to fireside scene and additional scoring so music starts earlier 0161 Dialogue during the fireside discussion is placed over a few shots "also a Took" from the rear to preserve continuity 0165 Balin and Thorin's discussion of losing their burglar is shortened and now scored 0169 Bilbo searching for dwarves in the morning is slightly shortened to accommodate a scoring segue 0170 Bilbo running down the hill to go on "An Adventure" is removed 0172 Gambling references removed from the tightened up sequence where Bilbo joins the company of Thorin Oakenshield 0176 The voiceover as the Company depart where Bilbo is briefed by Gandalf is removed (it is superfluous and clunky) 0177 Company departure is re-scored 0178 Caption "Chapter II: A Short Rest" added 0179 The Company's first camp night is slightly trimmed to keep it serious (slightly shorter in FE and BE) 0183 A vignette halo is added to Balins telling of the Battle of Moria and the search for Thrain 0184 The FE has a close up shot of Thrors head added in from the deleted prologue 0185 The first reveal of Azog post the campfire differs in the 3 edits TE is per the H1X but the end portion is removed (save for later in TE) and subtitles are replaced BE & FE an alternate Azog scene is used with altered subtitles All versions have scoring changes and the alteration of subtitles is to establish Azog is in pursuit of the Dwarves 0192 The Company riding in the rain exists in 3 versions: FE no reference to Radagahast who is not in the edit BE Minor ref to radaghast, who is not in the edit TE Radaghast described and sequence is followed by significantly less silly Radaghast in the wood sequence which is score enhanced 0196 The stop at the farmhouse where "a farmer and his family" is the same in all 3 edits, and follows Radaghast in only the TE, since Radagast is not in the BE & FE edits 0197 The scene is now scored with music which has a "fellowship" motif to foreshadow that motif. This the first of two such motifs uses. 0198 A new flashback sequence was created which is underscored by Thorins Narration, which tells of the elves betrayal. 0205 The new flash back has bespoke color timing and vignette Halos and Moria drum underscores 0212 Caption "Chapter III: Roast Mutton" added after the discussion with Thorin about seeking help from the elves 0213 The nighttime intro is trimmed and contains a flipped shot to ensure continuity 0218 The trolls dialogue has all contempory idiom removed and is made significantly less silly (less soup, chicken and snot discussions) 0239 Bilbo is more decisive when dealing with the trolls 0245 The fight sequence is slightly tighter and the threat to tear Bilbo is more menacing and scored 0253 The discussion to "plate up" is altered, and there are no references to parasites or tubes 0254 Gandalf reveal is slightly tighter to ensure a good pace 0256 Gandalf’s reference to Thorin of a "darker power" is removed and comment about Bilbo using his "nouce" 0258 The Troll cave has some silliness and refines to "long term deposits" removed 0260 After Gandalf gives Bilbo the sword, the sequence next sequence differs as follows 0261 FE Bilbo does not get to unsheathe the sword and this continues in the walk through the chasm to Rivendale, directly seguing with a music underscore BE Bilbo unsheathes the sword as music builds and howls encroach, and the Warg attack ensues. TE Bilbo unsheathes the sword, some shouts "someone’s coming" and Radaghast arrives 0262 TE Radaghast scene has ALL silliness removed, and is more dramatic, no "old Toby", no stick insect, etc. 0274 both the Te & BE continue with the Warg chase, but Radaghats part is eliminated completely and the company ends up in the ravine/chasm. 0288 All edits continue in the journey to Rivendale with some minor dialogue rims to the BE and FE to tone down Thorins hostility. 0292 Caption "Chapter IV: A Warm Welcome" added 0293 The initial meeting with Elrond on horseback is trimmed to shorten the dwarves incredulity and trust issues. 0296 The reference to being chased by Orcs is removed in the FE since that sequence was dropped. The dialogue is retained for Te & BE 0298 The stay at Rivendale is different for all 3 edits to accommodate the degree of LOTR foreshadowing. 0299 In LOTR the portrait of Sauron and Isildur, Sauron is NOT wearing the ring. In H1T/X he is. The NO RING shot is used for the FE 0300 The dinner is removed from the FE, quite short for the BE, and a little longer for the TE with discussion about the swords. 0308 All silliness and songs removed from the dinner in TE & BE (no dinner in FE) 0314 There is slight variation of sequence order across the 3 edits to accommodate pacing 0315 The discussion about the moon runes is trimmed in all 3 but only the TE includes Elrond’s reference to "watching over middle earth" 0322 Elrond’s discussion with Bilbo about staying in Rivedale is trimmed 0326 FE Elrond’s discussion with Gandalf about Thorin is removed, but retained in the TE and BE in differing versions to ensure continuity 0335 The encounter with Saruman is different in all 3 edits 0348 FE, Sauron only expresses concern about the dragon, no mention of the "enemy" and no Morgul blade, which is removed by shot replacement to avoid continuity issues BE, The enemy is discussed, but no Morgul blade is seen or discussed since Radaghast is not in this version TE, This plays out closely to the H1X with some deletions, which are used later in the BE and TE to create a new epilogue in Reivendale 0349 The meeting with Saruman is score differently in the TE & BE 0350 TE The sequence discussing the burial of the enemy in the tombs is located here and NOT when Gandalf speaks to Beorn later in the TE 0351 TE Vignette halo added to the Tombs discussion with additional scoring 0354 TE The departure of the dwarves is only announced in the TE and removed from the BE & FE 0355 TE Galadriels discussion with Gandalf post the dwarves leaving includes the offer of help, which is removed from the BE & FE since that event never occurs 0356 All 3 edits continue with a modified departure from Rivendale 0359 The stone giants are removed 0360 Caption "Chapter V: Riddles in the Dark" added 0361 The scene in the cave where the company falls into the Goblin caves, plays in 3 versions. FE no discussion with Bofur BE Short discussion with Bofur & Bilbo TE Longert discussion with Bofur & Bilbo 0365 The Goblin Tunnels section of all 3 versions have the songs removed, silly humour, and the creature on the pulley, etc. It is far more serious and threatening 0396 The escape from the Goblin tunnels is significantly re-edited and has silly moments removed 0402 The differences between the edits: FE Splits the escape into two sections alternating with a slightly shortened Gollum section BE & TE Same escape, not divide and a longer Gollum section 0411 Goblin King sends message to "the pale Orc" with no silly messenger in all 3 0412 Caption "Chapter VI: Out of the Frying pan" added 0413 The scene following the escape from the Goblins has a few minor trims, an enhanced ring effect (audio), and modern idiom removed 0420 The 22 min which follow the company and Bilbo meeting up is effectively deleted, the pine cones and the walk to the ridge to view The Misty Mountain (which is too close frankly) 0421 A new bridge between H1T/X and H2T/X is created where Azog and his pack chase the company but do not find them, with significant audio work and footage from H1T/X and H2T/X 0438 Now the edit is firmly in H2T/X and all captions are removed 0439 The discussion about there being "a house near by" has some Bilbo double takes, silly statements etc. removed to play more menacingly 0453 Beorns morphing is re-edited and relocated to here rather than playing later 0458 The chase across the fields to Beorns house is unchanged, but the night sequence has tweaks to Bilbo looking at the ring 0462 Caption "Chapter VII: Queer Lodgings" added 0463 The 3 versions play the differently until the Company leaves Berons house, as follows: 0465 FE The scene where Gandalf introduces the Dwarves to Beorn is removed only in the FE version The BE and TE the scene is unaltered. 0468 FE opens with the H1T version of Bilbo walking towards the dwarves, the BE and TE use the extended edition version 0473 The discussion with Beorn at the house is shorter in the FE 0475 DEPARTURE of COMPANY from Beorns house FE: No reference to an alliance nor the tombs, BE alliance mentioned, but no tombs, TE Alliance and tombs mentioned 0481 The scene where the tombs are discussed has a shot removed of the flashback of the incarceration which was relocated to the discussion at Rivendale, increasing g the known peril earlier. 0484 The approach to the MIrkwood is slightly shorter in the FE with audio and enhanced scoring 0487 Caption "Chapter VIII: Out of the Frying pan" added 0488 FE When Gandalf enters the forest he and Bilbo do NOT see Sauron’s eye in the FE, they do in the BE/TE but not the discourse with Galadriel 0489 Gandalf’s departure is slightly short in the FE, 0491 The journey through the forest is extensively modified for pace and silliness removal, playing to 3 lengths in the edits. No major tonal differences 0512 After the Butterflies, the encounter with the Spiders differs as follows FE Shortens, with Bilbo not dropping the ring and searching for it BE drops and finds ring but no heavy significance TE plays as in TE but score enhanced with a slight trimming of overacting 0529 All 3 versions have additional score enhancements, trim to overlong fight with spiders, less silliness and far less spider talking 0543 Legolas has a short cameo in order to capture the dwarves, Tauriel is insignificant and the scene tightened up for pacing consistency 0551 TE contains an additional Azog scene where he confronts the Necromancer, with new scoring, removal of Bolgs task. This is absent from BE and FE 0558 Caption "Chapter IX: Barrels out of bond" added to Azog opening in TE and to Bridge crossing in BE FE 0559 Entry to Tharnduils abode is trimmed and dwarves are not seen to be incarcerated. 0565 Thorin / Thranduil discussion re-worked , scored and subtitle added to Thorins line (source: The One 0575 NEW FLASHBACK: While Thorin and Thranduil meet, a new flashback sequence illustrates Thranduils words regarding the white gems sing footage from the deleted prologue. New special FX, vignette framing, bespoke audio and scoring and foley are all added 0602 Subtitle added to Thorin'S insult to Thranduil. Translation sources from 0604 This entire section of the film completely removed Legolas and Tauriel keeping the focus on the dwarves escape 0632 Bilbo's appearance is enhanced with a whoosh of the ring being removed. 0683 A number of minor trims to the escape leading to the barrel ride to remove Tauriel in all but one shot 0690 The book and folio edits have slightly shorter ends to this sequence. General tomfoolery is removed throughout. 0729 The Barrel ride removes Tauriel, Legolas and the orcs completely. 0731 All three edits play out identically until Bard draws his bow on the dwarves 0733 The two part version of the TOLK edit ends here on a cliffhanger as originally envisaged when The Hobbit was going to be two movies. Part 1 is The Quest for Erebor 0734 TOLKIEN edit only, continues with Chapter X Caption "on the doorstep" 0741 This sequence is Gandalf at the High Fells here he visits the tombs and meets Radaghast. The sequence is score enhanced, Radaghast less silly. This sequence also serves as the Pre title opening to the second part of the two part version of the TOLK edit, namely The Hobbit Part II: An Adventure's End 0752 All 3 versions continue with the dwarves hiring Bard's barge with the family banter removed. The folio edit is the shortest with no extended elf related chat 0753 Book and Folio edits caption added, "Chapter X Not at Home" 0760 All versions have trims across the lake, with Bofur's "watch out" only present in the TOLK edit. 0763 Some silliness removed and trimming to make the Lonely Mountain reveal a tad more dramatic 0766 All 3 edits play out identically until the fish are poured into the barrels with minor trims for pacing and silliness removal. 0770 The TOLK edit carries on at Dol Guldor with minor trims for pacing and continuity. 0774 All 3 play out into Laketown the same with the TOLK edit having the caption CHAPTER XI Not at Home added. 0791 The walk across town and all the annoying people Are removed 0823 Bard has no children 0829 All references to the prophecy are removed 0832 The flashback to the Smaug attack removes the phrase "fired from a wind lance" since Bard does not use wind lance and this sorts a plot hole issue 0839 The raid for weapons is shortened. 0845 No orcs approach the town at any point and no attack takes place. ---- The town square debate WITH the mayor of Laketown is the same across all 3 edits. 0862 The mayor has 3 lines of dialogue only, Alfrid is completely removed from all 3 edits. 0875 All ethnic shots of towns people are replaced since this is consistent visually with LOTR 0892 All Alfrid and Mayor interactions preceding this and following this are removed. 0937 Since there is no Orc attack and Tauriel also does not appear at all, all the dwarves must make to Erebor in the boat. this required building a completely new departure from lake town, flipping shots, trimming shots to give the impression all the dwarves board the boat. The new sequence has a complete ground up audio build, crowds, water, oars, cheering , medieval trumpets " thus removal of Mayors speech", music, and many many more effects. A single shot of Alfrid from the rear is seen. 0945 The TOLK edit segues to Dol Guldur with minor trims, before returning to the lake. This uses the extended edition version as the base with Thrain, though slight trims for pacing. 0951 Continuing to cross the lake, slightly differing shot order of close ups, a truncated journey to the Overlook is accompanied by a caption for the Book and folio edits "Chapter XI: On the doorstep". This re synchronizes the chapter ordering for all 3 edits 0956 after Thorin say they will not wait pin the sized, the TOLK edit returns to Dol Guldor, with pacing trims. 0969 The trip to the hidden for is shortened and the entire exchange at the door removed. 0972 When he door opens and thuds, Smaug awakens in the Book and TOLK edits. This moment is taken from the closing scene of the first hobbit movie. This scene does appear in the folio edit later on 0976 The briefing to Bilbo has some minor trims and is shorted in the folio edit 0977 CHAPTER XII Added, “Fire and Water" 0982 Trims to Bilbo’s mound climb with the folio edit inserting the earlier Smaug awakens reveal to here, after Bilbo pulls the goblet from the mound of gold. 0988 Throughout the encounter with Smaug a number of Bilbo’s twitches and double takes are removed as they are throughout the edits. 0989 When we get Smaug's first growling close up the TOLK edit switches back to Dol Guldor 0992 When Sauron finally appears and is named some subtle intercut wipes of the eye of Sauron are overlaid on his reveal to foreshadow the eye in LOTR and this wipes to a close up of Smaug's eye to reiterate the evil of Smaug 0995 The location of the Dol Guldor sections is different than in the original versions to better accommodate pacing 0999 All edits continue with Bilbo’s exchange with Smaug from which some silly lines of dialogue are removed. Additional pacing trims are made to the BE and FE 1000 The first time Bilbo runs away from Smaug is removed from the folio edit then Bilbo runs away the second time having seen the Arkenstone, he is seen to immediately pick it up. In the original movie we do not know Bilbo has the Arkenstone till later when we see it flashback. This finished the tension and by seeing that Bilbo does in fact have it increases the peril in later interactions with Thorin 1010 Ring whooped are enhanced throughout since they are badly audible in the original versions 1014 after Balin tells Thorin "his name is Bilbo", the TE continues at Dol Guldur with a recut of Gandalf in the cage to better establish his seeing the hoards 1023 The entire section of the dwarves preparing the furnaces to kill Smaug and the ensuing chase etc. with the molten gold is removed completely 1026 Bilbo is chased by Smaug who crashes through the halls and finally flies off. Trims to clunky dialogue and pacing throughout. The attack on Laketown follows 1043 Bard's showdown with Smaug is as complete as possible with the removal of Tauriel, Legolas and all children. Bard defeats Smaug single handedly and gratuitous material with Alfrid and the Mayor of Laketown is removed. 1047 A few additional pacing trims in the FE 1052 In the TE this continues with the final battle at Dol Guldor . Some minor trims to poor dialogue including Elrond’s "you should have stayed dead"...are removed. What a poor idiom... There are a few pacing trims and Radaghast is minimized. A few weak Galadriel lines are also excised. 1059 All edits continue in the golden hall with some restructuring for pace and plot 1068 TE then has the sled stop sequence where Gandalf tells Radaghast he must warn Erebor. The scene removes silly moments and clunky dialogue, is re scored and now plays more dramatically. Shots from both the theatrical and extended versions were needed to make this work seamless as required. 1072 The refugees from Laketown at Esgaroth does not contain Alfrid 1076 Thorin questioning loyalty is tightened up a tad 1079 The sequences that follow remove lucky dialogue, and pace tightened with the Dragon sickness exchange between Balin and Bilbo being slightly tighter and enhanced with music for dramatic purposes. 1087 Thranduils arrival and Bards interaction to Esgaroth is recut to remove Alfrid and to heighten the tension build 1093 all edits play similarly from here with the only major differences being highlighted. Unnecessary build up and repetitive exposition is removed in all 1098 Gandalf’s arrival at Esgaroth is reedit end to accommodate dialogue changes and removal of Alfrid 1101 Gandalf discussion with Thranduil is longer in the TE with his warning of armies on the move being retained 1119 All edits continue with Azog at the tunnels. Subtitles have been changed to explain the tunnels by reference to the "Earth eaters" rather than wider worms, with a new sequence to show the coming hoards and then arguing back to Erebor. Custom sound and music. 1124 This continues with Bilbo being given the Mithril vest which contains trims and deletions either side. 1132 Bilbo's departure from Erebor removes his interaction with Bofur in the FE but the BE and TE contain this exchange which is shortened in the BE. 1137 Bilbo a sailing down the wall is trimmed slightly in the FE 1141 The BE and TE contain an exchange between Gandalf and Thranduil not in the FE 1145 Bilbo’s discussion when handing over the Arkenstone is trimmed of annoying gestures and is slightly shorter in the FE 1146 The transition to the next day is a cross fade in the FE 1153 The approach of Thranduil and Bard at the gates to offer the Arkenstone to Thorin does not contain Thorin firing the first arrow in the FE 1155 Dain's approach contains CHAPTER XI The Clouds Burst caption 1168 Dain's dialogue removes the section where he tells all to "sod off" and the word "bastards" is surgically excised. 1178 A number of awkward looking shots of goats are removed 1193 To tie into the earlier reference to the tunnels and "earth eaters" a new sequence has the gathered armies attention drawn to Azog commanding the armies to come forth from what we already know to be tunnels . No worms appear in this sequence. 1199 At this point, the FE has Azog command "they cannot fight on two fronts. The BE and. TE he commands "send in the war beasts". The section that follows is unique to these two edits for pacing issues and not in the FE. The fighting is trimmed for pace and better continuity. 1200 The war beast catapults do not feature in the FE, with all edits sync again at the breach of the walls of Esgaroth 1228 All children are removed from the edits since most are relatives of Peter Jackson and they just don't look like they should even be there. 1235 Alternative shots are used in the FE for continuity and pacing and the BE and TE run slightly longer. 1242 A number of shots of Dain calling for Thorin do not appear in the FE for pacing issues1149 Additional trims to the FE in the run up to Dwalin calling on Thorin to fight. The TE has a longer set up for that scene and all are score enhanced 1263 The scene plays out uninterrupted in the FE but the TE and BE have additional fighting and Dain still calling for Thorin 1264 Chapter XII The Last Stage caption added 1271 The dwarves emergence from Erebor is slightly quicker in the FE and is missing a command from Azog 1282 During the ensuing battle only a few moments of levity are retained, and Gandalf exclamation "they are rallying to their King' is removed from FE 1295 Thorins stating he will kill Azog the used the Theatrical version riding goats to reach Ravenhill, with many poor FX shores removed 1307 The BE and TE use the extended versions chariot attack which has 3 sections removed and tightened up action and less silliness 1324 Some establishing moments of Fili and Kiki removed from Fe and overall the biggest change from here is the removal of Tauriel and Legolas from the store proceedings 1339 A very difficult section was when Thorin is on the ground and his attacker is killed by Legolas with an arrow shot from afar. This no longer occurs and Thorin kills the assailant. Watch to see how. 1363 Kili now fights the Orc alone, no Tauriel 1386 The one on one fight with Azog has some trims and score enhancements 1388 When the Eagles arrive the shot of Radaghast is removed from FE. 1394 The aftermath is shorter in FE 1409 The funeral has the shot of Rhadghast removed in the BE and FE. 1423 TE return to Hobbiton has a few trims and Bilbo’s twitches removed. 1426 There are a few additional such trims in the FE 1439 The TE has an epilogue at the white Council setting up LOTR by saying the enemy is watching. 1452 The BE has a longer epilogue since the Morgul blade reveal does not occur at Rivendale, and is moved to hear...a real shock and again sets up LOTR 1472 The film ends with Bilbo writing again, thus book ending the film however, the 1481 FE ending with caption THE END and the BE and TE caption TO BE CONCLUDED IN LOTR 1499 Custom credits follow tin the eye of Sauron Turing up in the TE. 1500 Wraith Logo

Additional Notes:

Generic Cutlist: - Deleted entire Prologue with Older Bilbo - Most of the Dwarves dinner antics are cut; only a few minor moments remain - All characters are significantly more serious throughout - There are no children in these edits - Azog is not under the orders of Sauron/Necromancer except in the TOLKIEN edit - Radaghast is removed in the FOLIO and BOOK edits, and retained but made more serious in the tOLKIEN edit. - The White Council scene in Rivendell is reworked for the 3 edits in different ways, with no forshadowing in the FOLIO edit. LOTR Continutuity error of Sauraon with/without a ring, corrected. - Rock Giants are removed. - Goblin tunnels are heavily re worked, but most of Gollum's scenes are retained, except for the FOLIO edit, where the Goblin tunnels sequence is split and about a minute of Gollum is deleted. Pine cones GONE (yes it is in the book, but the CGI is questionable and its too dramatic a sequence for the middle of film one and my edits de-emphasizes Azog significantly. Also, If Gandalf can summon the eagles who do his bidding, WHY NOT FLY ALL THE WAY TO EREBOR!!!!! - Most of Bilbo's struggling with how the Ring is changing him is toned down. - Tauriel briefly appears on screen twice and is just another elf. - Legolas appears twice, and though named, is also just another elf. - The Barrel sequence is significantly re-worked removing the orcs COMPLETELY (based on Spence's edit) - Bard's family is completely removed as are the references to the prophecy. - Alfrid only appears in one shot, has no lines of dialogue. - The mayor of laketown only appears twice, with minimal lines of dialogue to further the story. - Dol Goldur is de-emphasised.

Other Sources:

LOTR and HOBBIT Complete Score CDs

Special Thanks:

The War of the Stars: A New Hope Grindhoused
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (Starlight Edition)
Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited
Superman Redeemed
Three Effing Bears: Rambo Grindhoused
The Thief And The Cobbler - Recobbled Cut
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Chapter IV
Kombat Bloody Kombat