Star Wars - Rogue One: Where Rebels Dare

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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Star Wars - Rogue One: Where Rebels Dare

Faneditor: TM2YC  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2018
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:10m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:7m:0s
Time Added: 0h:3m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars: Rogue One (2016)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2016
Original Runtime: 2h:14m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


Where Rebels Dare' takes an already decent Star Wars movie and makes it a bit more Star-Warsy. We now open with a traditional crawl and scene wipes are used. The amount of "fan service" is reduced and the plot is reordered.


I liked 'Rogue One' but it had obvious problems from the first viewing. The opening act felt very choppy and there were too many cringey "fan service" moments. The main problem was that screen-time which should have been spent developing the new characters, was given over to bad cameos. Since no deleted scenes exist, I can't add in more depth for our new heroes and villains but I can tweak a few things and reduce the cameos. The other goal of this edit was make R1 play like a traditional Original-Trilogy movie. So it now has a Fox style fanfare, a custom crawl and new establishing FXshots.

Change List:

00.00.00 - Added TM2YC titlecards. 00.00.32 - Added custom Disney/Fox titlecard, created by youtube's Timon Berkowitz. Trimmed to match Original-Trilogy (OT) timing, cropped to scope, added animated clouds and regraded to look more "vintage". Music from Harmy's Despecialized Edition (DE). 00.00.39 - Replaced modern Lucasfilm logo with custom-made old green 1977 style version. 00.00.49 - Replaced "A long time ago..." titlecard with custom-made one. Matched closer to style of original 1977 version but with clean blue to mirror closing Rogue One (R1) credits (which I've also recoloured). 00.00.56 - Added custom-made traditional Star Wars logo, timed to exactly match look and movement-speed of 1977 original but with a modern R1 starfield. 00.01.04 - Added custom-made crawl timed to match the crawls of the OT as closely as I could (thanks to DigModiFicaTion for his crawl text creation guide and helpful advice). Music from 'Attack of the Clones' opening as it segues smoothly into R1 existing score. 00.02

Additional Notes:

- Regraded lightly to increase contrast and adjust tinting in some scenes. - Added new custom-made traditional Star Wars style opening. Fox style fanfare, green Lucasfilm logo, SW logo, custom crawl, pan down etc. - Reordered opening act, which I felt was choppy in the original version. Now we do not return to older Jyn until it's time for her to be rescued and time for her story to begin again. Death Star scene has also been brought forward to establish the threat, before we see how others are responding to that threat. I think these changes make things clearer. - Reordered some parts of the final battle to help pacing and logic. - Reordered a few other scenes throughout the edit in small ways to help the story. - Added traditional style wipes to points where I felt it was appropriate. Large shifts in time, or in location etc. - Removed all onscreen titles naming the various planets, as this is not something done in any other Star Wars film. - Removed or altered a few distracting "fan service" moments included.

Other Sources:

- Rogue One Blu-Ray - Star Wars (Harmy's Despecialized Edition) - Prometheus Blu-Ray - Rogue One Soundtrack - Attack of the Clones Soundtrack - Return of the Jedi Soundtrack.

Special Thanks:

Thanks to Gaith for the Fanedit title idea. Thanks to the following for their help draughting the crawl text: DigModiFicaTion, Canon Editor, DSM2337, darthrush, SkywalkerFan01, Moe_Syzlak, addiesin, theryaney, Flubly and Garp. Thanks to theryaney and js.

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