Re-inserted the four deleted scenes to give a more rounded experience.
Using the already extended cut of the film that comes on the retail DVD, I decided to re-insert the four deleted scenes back into the film.
Change List:
- after the newly married couple arrive at the motel they quickly acquire a room for the night,in the original scene they walk into their room and close the door and the next scene starts, now a deleted scene shows the couple in the room arguing about the hooker and her husband looking at her boobage :), the hooker comes to the door complaining of the noise and said he was looking... quite a funny scene as the guy is busted for looking :) - after ed (john cusack) has stitched up the neck of the dying woman it cuts to the woman's child looking out the window at a convict being escorted by a cop,the deleted scene shows the convict getting out of the car and cop trying to find a secure room to place him in, i thought it was a better introduction to the convict and there is another boob joke :) - after the actress is killed in the rain, ed wakes up to the sound of a scream, he goes outside to investigate and immediately finds the trail to the body, i didn’t like this so the deleted scene adds more of ed investigating the noise and checking in on the other motel guests before he finds the clues, more realistic in my mind. - this is a very minor addition, it basically alters a scene where the mental guy is being questioned by some guys, we see ed strapped to a chair, he is shown a mirror where he sees his real reflection, the original shows ed freaking out in the chair, the deleted scene cuts this and shows the guys real face and him freaking out.