Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Nemesis

Updated: 2nd May 2024

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Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Nemesis

Faneditor: Uncanny Antman  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st March 2008
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:21m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:16m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Nightmare on Elm Street
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2003
Original Runtime: 1h:37m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


It’s about making the Fred Krueger storyline the main focus of the film, and to trim as much of the terrible acting as I could without sacrificing story elements. Sure, Freddy still only gets one kill, but whatcha gonna do?


To reduce some of the more cringe-worthy elements of the film, primarily on the acting side of things. Also to trim some moments that blatantly disregard the ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ and ‘Friday the 13th’ histories.

Change List:

Dedicated to Wes Craven Replaced opening logo score to remove Jason theme. After the ‘previous kills montage’ I removed Freddy explaining the entire plot. New opening scene, Blake being unsuccessfully attacked by Freddy. New opening credits sequence. After the credits, inserted partial deleted scene; the long version of the Crystal Lake counsellor leaving to go skinny-dipping. Fixed the jump-cut when Jason’s machete comes through the tree. Removed the morphing victims talking to Jason. Removed Mrs Voorhees being revealed as Freddy, “Freddy vs. Jason” title screen, and Jason walking down Elm Street. Altered two shots of Lori to stop her from glancing towards the film crew. Removed Kia asking Lori and Gibb if she should get a nose job. Removed Kia and Lori’s exposition about Will, Lori’s “true love”. Inserted deleted scene with Trey complaining about dirty sheets. Removed exposition about Lori’s dead mother. Removed crappy body double for Gibb in the shower. Removed wide shot of Jason stabbing Trey. He’s clearly stabbing the bed far away from where Trey really is. Removed the first of Gibb’s two screams when she finds Trey. Removed Stubbs talking to Lori at the police station, and Lori trying to remember Freddy’s name. Cut to Westin Hills prior to Lori’s nightmare. Removed the deaths of Blake and his father. (With the Blake section having been used as the new opening.) Removed all the back-story about Will seeing Lori’s father kill her mother. When Freddy jumps out at Lori in her nightmare, he originally comes from right next to her where she should be able to see him just off-screen. I have altered it so that Freddy is more of a ghostly image, literally appearing right in front of her. Also removed Lori’s terrible “I’m so relieved” acting after waking up. After Lori’s nightmare, we cut back to Westin Hills again. Removed Mark talking about missing his family, and Will talking again about Lori’s father. Added deleted scene of Lori’s father picking her up from the police station. Removed Lori meeting up with Gibb and Kia outside school. Added deleted scenes of Gibb screaming at people to stop staring at her, and Will and Mark sneaking into school. Removed Kia referring to Linderman as a humping dog. Added Freddy’s theme to the scene where Lori describes him to Kia and Gibb. Removed Will berating Mark, “You’re scaring her.” Removed Lori in the infirmary and Kia’s nose job nightmare. Inserted deleted scene of Principal Shaye talking to Will and Mark. Inserted deleted scene of Kia and Gibb picking up Lori to go to the rave. Removed Will starting to tell Lori about why he was in Westin Hills. Altered the colours during Gibb’s nightmare so that it looks dry and washed out instead of bright red. Erased visible hand in frame when Gibb falls backwards off of the walkway. Trimmed the ‘head-twist’ kill so that Jason doesn’t poke the guy to make him fall over, and to show as little of the crummy effect as possible. Trimmed some shots and altered others to minimize the chunky fire-suit Jason in the cornfield. Removed the shot of Shack laughing with his mouth closed, clearly holding stage blood in his mouth. Removed the raver throwing cups of beer on Jason. Removed Kia and Lori’s crummy “I can’t believe Gibb is dead” moment. Now, Kia simply hugs Lori goodbye. Removed Lori arguing with, then sneaking out on her father. She doesn’t go home at all. Any brightly-lit shots of Freddy (such as Mark’s nightmare in the bathroom) I have color-corrected so that they are bit more dark and dingy. Removed Freddy’s blatant exposition during Mark’s nightmare. Removed Freddy’s (obviously looped) line, “I’ll have to pass that message myself, won’t I?” Slightly restructured Lori and Will witnessing Mark’s death. Removed Lori saying, “Freddy died by fire, Jason by water. How can we use that?” Removed shot of Freddy’s ear morphing into maggots. Removed Kia’s terribly delivered line, “We’re not safe awake or asleep.” Replaced the shots of the computer screen with newly created ones. In the original cut the pages don’t look real, and Linderman takes a stupidly long time to notice the huge text at the top of the page regarding FDA approval. Inserted short deleted scene where the group plan their search of Westin Hills. Removed Freeburg telling Linderman to stop and smoke a joint. Removed the part where Will tells Lori that her father was the one who prescribed too much Hypnocil to the coma patients. Removed Freddy-caterpillar squeezing down Freeburg’s throat. When Jason swings at Stubbs and misses, fixed the computer console so that it is no longer pre-broken where the machete hits it. Removed Freeburg/Freddy telling Will “Let me handle this, bitch.” Removed the audio of Freddy’s line to Jason, “These are my children, Jason. Go back where you belong!” Also removed same line being echoed as Jason goes to sleep. Moved Jason’s second dream up to this cut. (The one about the ruined house full of victims.) After that it then goes to the boiler room dream where Jason finds out that Freddy has duped him. Altered the lighting in the boiler room so that it isn’t bright red. Removed Freddy making a wanking motion to Jason. Removed Jason’s supposed fear of water, and Freddy getting into young Jason’s head. The fight ends on Freddy yelling, “Why won’t you die?!” Removed Freddy as camp counselor. Removed group walking off in the opposite direction of Crystal Lake. Removed section of Lori’s nightmare dealing with her mother and father. Removed Freddy’s line, “Welcome to my world, bitch.” Removed shot of Will carrying an unconscious Lori where her arm stays upright even when he lets go of it. Trimmed obvious shots of rubber arm when Lori is burnt. Removed shot of Linderman with obviously looped line. Removed long pan around Linderman bleeding to death. Removed Freddy’s indecision over who to kill between Lori and Kia. Removed most of Kia’s taunting of Freddy. No “Christmas sweater” or “butter knives” remarks. Altered Kia’s death so that Jason no longer swats her into a tree. He now kills her with a slice of his machete. Removed Lori’s terrible rant about how Freddy has ruined their pasts. Some slight trims to the Freddy/Jason fight in the construction area. Altered shot of Freddy slicing Jason’s fingers. (In the original shot it’s obvious that Freddy’s glove just swipes in front of Jason’s hand rather than through it.) Altered shot of Freddy catching Jason’s machete to try and hide the bendy rubber prop. Rearranged the explosion so that it’s the shockwave that hurls Freddy and Jason into the lake rather than just flames. Removed Lori screaming, “Welcome to my world, bitch!” Sped up slow motion shot of Lori swinging machete. (The slo-mo is terrible, and obvious that she was also acting in slo-mo.) Replaced shot of dummy Freddy head just before decapitation. Repositioned following shot of Lori to be higher in the frame. When Jason sinks under the water his eyes are visible through the mask. I painted them out as they were stabbed out by Freddy just minutes before. Replaced Jason-emerging-from-lake ending with the Freddy-centric “Two Months Later” alternate ending. Removed Lori asking Will about his wound, and speaking of her sympathy for Jason. (Which thankfully also removes a bit of Will’s bad acting.) Removed Lori screaming, “What’s wrong with you?” and the zoom in on Lori’s face. Fixed credits to remove people who were cut out of this edit and added a new Freddy montage. Seeing as this is now the final time we’ll see a Robert Englund Freddy movie, it seemed only fitting. Replaced credits music with a new song. (There are also several other added songs throughout the edit.)

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: Andor: Chapter I - The Reckoning
Terminator 3: Salvation
The Matrix DeZIONized
Once Upon A Time In Mexico: Grindhouse Cut
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back [Despecialized]
Fast & Furious: New Model. Original Parts. (Season 1)
Superman Redeemed
The Rage of Cage