Cloverfield (Fanedit)

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Cloverfield (Fanedit)

Faneditor: YourMamaVideo  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st March 2009
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:5m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:20m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Cloverfield
Genre: ActionAdventureHorror
Original Title: Cloverfield (2008)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2008
Original Runtime: 1h:25m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 15
Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


This fanedit creates a true monster movie out of the original CLOVERFIELD and leaves out as much of the “love story” as possible. With a lot faster pacing this is a straight to the point action/horror movie.


I always liked the original version of the movie. But, i didn’t care for the “flash back” footage. So, i decided to make it more based on the creature instead of the story between Rob and Beth. The way it is presented in the begining with the “department of defence” stuff, i felt that if the government was gonna watch footage on this creature, why would they not cut out the Rob and Beth “flashback” footage. So that is what i have done here. I left the some of the party scenes in so you would get to meet the characters. Not a whole lot though, just enough to know whos who and get a feel for them.

Change List:

- cut the party scene from about 20 mins to around 9 mins - cut out a lot of little bits here and there to keep the pace going - cut out the scene where Rob gets the call from his mom. - trimmed the scene where they are going up to Beth’s apartment. - added a new title. - added more flash cuts.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Bossa Nova Edition
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi [Despecialized]
The Thief And The Cobbler - Recobbled Cut
Godzilla vs Kong (Titan Truth Cut)
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back [Despecialized]
The Rage of Cage
Crimson Maul's - The Last of Us Part 1
Prometheus: Giftbearer
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Chapter IV