This fanedit combines John Carpenter’s Halloween and the sequel Halloween II into one “epic” film. Several scenes have been removed to make the entire movie flow smoothly and more realistically, keeping it centered on Myers quest to locate and kill Laurie Strode.
My intention was to combine John Carpenter’s Halloween and the sequel Halloween II into one “epic” (using that term loosely, lol) film. Only a few small edits were made to the original Halloween (which is a classic), but a lot of changes had to be made to Halloween II in order to get it to “fit” with the original film. This is because a lot of things in the sequel contradict not only the original film, but what happens in the sequel itself. Namely, the beginning of the theatrical version of Halloween II has many mistakes. For example, when Myers goes into the old woman’s house there’s a report on the news that the police have discovered three bodies in the home across from Tommy Doyle’s house. However, they have not been found at that time. It is not until much later in the film that these bodies are located and Sheriff Brackett finds out his daughter is dead. This sequence of events has been corrected in Halloween: The Night That Never Ends. Also, several unnecessary scenes included in the theatrical version of Halloween II (to extend its length) are not included here. This includes Michael Myers murdering a girl unrelated to the story, as well as Dr. Loomis and the cops acting like buffoons causing the death of Ben Traimer who gets run over by a cop and burned up. Then, Loomis and the cops spend half the picture trying to figure out whether the burned up Ben Traimer is really Myers, which doesn’t work, because the audience already knows the answer. These scenes have been removed to make the entire “epic” flow smoothly and more realistically, keeping the film centered on Myers quest to locate and kill Laurie Strode. We rarely see Myers’ view of the action, until he overhears a news broadcast detailing Laurie’s location at the Haddonfield Memorial Clinic. From then on it’s a slaughterhouse as Myers dispatches (nearly) the entire hospital staff.
Change List:
Changes made to Halloween: 1. Small trim as Michael Myers looks at Laurie walking away from the house 2. Scene of the girls getting out of school cut, resumes as Annie catches up while Laurie and Linda are walking down the street 3. Scene with Laurie in her bedroom cut, picks up as she brings the pumpkin outside when Annie picks her up for the night 4. Small cut of Annie’s death before she makes that strange face 5. Ends with Loomis looking down at Myers, credits cut (obviously), resumes with Loomis running out the front door Changes made in Halloween II (many changes and reorganization of scenes): 1. Scene with Myers and the old woman does not occur 2. Scene when Myers kills girl on phone does not occur 3. First scene is when Loomis examines the blood and instructs the neighbor to call the police before Loomis runs around the house 4. The next scene is Laurie being carted off by the ambulance and taken to the hospital, fades to her waking up with Jimmy looking at her before they’re called to pick up the 3 bodies just found… considered cutting some of this hospital stuff but felt it was necessary to “meet the new characters” 5. Inserted scene of Loomis and Sheriff Brackett in the police car searching for Myers (which is actually much earlier in the theatrical), then Brackett gets a call before… 6. Sheriff Brackett views his daughter’s dead body 7. Entire Ben Traimer/burned subplot removed 8. Laurie having nightmares about her past is removed (gives away the secret too early) 9. The entire first half of Mr. Garrett’s “search” scene is trimmed… starts with his flashlight shining on the broken lock 10. After the explosion, no Michael Myers walking out while he’s on fire (obvious stunt man).
Other Sources:
Halloween II (1981)
Special Thanks: