The Haunted World Of Katie Featherston

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The Haunted World Of Katie Featherston

Faneditor: Frantic Canadian  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2012
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:14m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:12m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Paranormal Activity
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Paranormal Activity (2009)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2009
Original Runtime: 1h:26m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


Meet Micah and Katie. On the surface they appear to be your average happy young couple, but in reality, they’re living their lives in fear. Fear of a demon that’s been haunting and following Katie since she was 8-years-old. Now, tired of living in fear, they decide to put a stop to this demon. But were they successful, or did the demon finally get what it was after? Now, thanks to footage discovered by the San Diego Police Department, you are about to find out.


By cutting out pointless scenes where nothing happens I’m hoping to make the film a little scarier. I also wanted to make Micah less of an A-hole, and to give it more of a documentary film feel to it.

Change List:

- Trimmed several seconds from the “Paramount would like to thank…” message at the beginning - Micah filming his guitar and Katie while trying to get her to do a striptease for him - Micah filming Katie in bed after Night #1 - Katie filming Micah in the pool, he keeps playfully giving her the finger - Micah filming Katie in the bathroom getting ready for bed, then looking into the mirror as he makes fun of the psychic - Micah trying to trick Katie into having sex with the camera on, then turning it off - Micah turning the camera back on after sex and talking into it - Micah taunting the demon by calling it out while he opens and closes the door that the demon open and closed the night before. - Micah taunting the demon, telling him that he’s nothing, and Katie giving him shit and telling him that it’s time for bed - Micah’s EVP experiment - Micah checking the recording of his EVP experiment - Micah trying to apologize to Katie in the kitchen about the ouija board - Micah’s speech in front of the camera about Katie’s rules, followed by them going to bed - Night 16, nothing happens - Katie and her friend talking on the couch, Micah saying that he has a plan - Katie making, then drinking, coffee, saying that she needs a new life - Katie trying to study but interrupted by Micah being a dick again, they fight - Katie in bed saying that she doesn’t want to leave and that it’ll probably be okay now - Trimmed the message at the end about Micah and Katie. Now the part about Katie appears pretty much instantly after the part about Micah, instead of having to wait an extra 5 seconds or so for it to appear - The copyright screen, followed by about a minute of black screen, followed by the end credits.

Additional Notes:

I don’t get scared by horror movies, but Paranormal Activity definitely gave me the creeps. And I’m not ashamed to say I actually jumped and screamed during the ending, and that has never happened to me before. My main problem was that there were too many unrelated and stupid scenes, and Micah came off as a real douchebag. This was a real simple edit to do since a lot of scenes faded in and out, and there was no score or music at all. My only disappointment is that since only official releases can be used as source material I was unable to use the scene where Micah shows Katie the video of Diane from the Festival Cut. This scene is in the theatrical cut, but it’s really short and you don’t really see anything. The version shown in the Festival Cut, however, is longer and more explicit, you actually the see the video of the exorcism, and Katie’s reaction is different. She appears way more freaked than in the theatrical cut.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Big thank you to Rogue-theX for creating the cover/disc art for this edit.

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